
Regarding the Gambit portion of the Lumina quest (Destiny)

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Wednesday, July 03, 2019, 09:41 (1980 days ago) @ CougRon

Something struck me about this portion of the quest. At face value, killing an invader before they score any invasion kills sounds intimidating, and a lot of players are less than thrilled about it. But I think its actually a great little training exercise for Gambit players.

I completed the majority of the Lumina quest with an LFG group yesterday. By the time we reached the Invader Kill requirement, there were only 3 of us left in the group. So we jumped into Gambit to see if we could coordinate and get it done quickly. The thing that jumped out at me right away is that shutting down an invader is actually quite easy when all or even just most of your team prioritizes it. Our Blueberry was often running around doing his own thing, but between the 3 of us, we were all able to get our shutdowns in a single match, with a couple of us dong it multiple times before the end of the game. We weren't going up against a weak team, either. They put up a good fight, and managed to get 1 or 2 invasion kills on a couple occasions. But overall, they couldn't overcome the 3 of us prioritizing our loadouts, positioning and sight lines so as to be ready for an invader the instant they came through.

It struck me that this would be a great exercise as part of a Gambit quest. Maybe for one of the pinnacle weapons, or something related to the drifter. The lack of "training" for the Gambit game mode has been a common complaint over the months... maybe a quest that walks players through steps like this would be helpful?

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