Absolutely love it, please keep it up, Bungie (Destiny)
Enemies scale up if you're having too easy of a time? Check.
Absolutely no way to fail the activity as a whole? Check.
Interesting mechanics that are fun to figure out and optimize strategies? Check.
Mini-raid you can't wipe is an absolute godsend in my books. Will be spending a LOT of time there this season.
Complete thread:
- Let's Discuss Menagerie -
2019-06-07, 06:23
- Absolutely love it, please keep it up, Bungie - ZackDark, 2019-06-07, 07:03
- Let's Discuss Menagerie - ChrisTheeCrappy, 2019-06-07, 10:35
- Conroy Bumpus -
Cody Miller,
2019-06-07, 10:45
- Dominion - squidnh3, 2019-06-07, 10:48
- How beautiful it is and how easily it can be broken. - Vortech, 2019-06-08, 14:20