New Raid: Crown of Sorrow (Destiny)
Crown of Sorrow
June 4, 2019: 4 PM PDT
Recommended Power for first encounter: 715
- Last Wish and Scourge of the Past will be unavailable until Crown of Sorrow has been beaten
- This prevents players with a stash of Ethereal Keys from having a leg up in the race
- Prime Attunements will be reset to two charges per character on day one
- While characters build Prime Attunement charges over time, these are being set to two per character upon logging in after the new season begins.
- All level 50 characters can earn Prime Engrams after signing in and playing during the Season of Opulence
- Players may continue to build Prime Attunements over time after the reset occurs
- As a reminder, any powerful bounties acquired prior to Season of Opulence will have a Power cap of 700.
New Raid: Crown of Sorrow
I still think world's first is inherently stupid, but I do like that the raid is available on day one and we know what the recommended power is, and that's its on the low end of the power increase instead of towards the end.
As much as I'm not looking to grind through more Destiny, this is the motivation I need to jump in once a week and make sure I'm at 700 before the season ends.
Xbox Blind Team Assemble?
This seems pretty surmountable to be ready to make a good attempt to finish or substantially finish over the subsequent weekend.
Xbox Blind Team Assemble?
I'll work on getting to 700 before the season starts.
I'm probably a no-go this time :(
This is pretty much exactly what I hoped for in a raid launch, but the timing sucks for me. I'm leaving for a week long family "vacation" the Saturday of launch week. I'd be down to run Tuesday - Friday, but I'll be on the road all day Saturday and have no idea what internet will be like for the following week.
I'm probably a no-go this time :(
I likewise can’t commit to a full blind run.
I would be down to do weeknights for the week it releases. I’ll just have to be done on a blind run after that week, though. I can’t spend two or three weeks banging my head against it and grinding out power in between like I did for Last Wish, though. I have a vacation in the middle of June and need to make sure the Jeep is ready to go.
So if there’s a team that wants to try for the first week with the understanding that of we don’t get it done in that time, I won’t be continuing, sign me up. I know that’s a tough ask, and I understand if folks want a fully committed team. I’m honestly okay waiting or just looking up spoilers over the weekend and jumping in when I can.
I'm probably a no-go this time :(
If we get a group that's flexible, I don't mind a short gap.
I'm probably a no-go this time :(
So if there’s a team that wants to try for the first week with the understanding that of we don’t get it done in that time, I won’t be continuing, sign me up. I know that’s a tough ask, and I understand if folks want a fully committed team. I’m honestly okay waiting or just looking up spoilers over the weekend and jumping in when I can.
I would 100% be down for this.
I would count on running this one without me.
If we get a group that's flexible, I don't mind a short gap.
I do. Without going into specifics, the last couple of blind raid attempts have me pretty well burned out on trying any more for a bit. I would love to jump into this one blind on Tuesday, but if the team hasn't finished by Friday evening, I'd rather just knock it out before I disappear for a week.
I would count on running this one without me.
I would love to jump into this one blind on Tuesday, but if the team hasn't finished by Friday evening, I'd rather just knock it out before I disappear for a week.
I'd settle for Tuesday-Friday. Some blind raiding is better than nothing.
It's funny, looking back I think the only raids I've actually finished fully blind was Crota and maybe Scourge? The rest were all "get to the final boss and figure out most of the mechanics, and finish it later". So total purity commitment is not essential to me, I just want to give it the old college try. Besides, it's summer and I have plenty else to do. Who releases raids in the summer anyway?
I would count on running this one without me.
I would love to jump into this one blind on Tuesday, but if the team hasn't finished by Friday evening, I'd rather just knock it out before I disappear for a week.
I'd settle for Tuesday-Friday. Some blind raiding is better than nothing.
I'd settle, too. For the same reason.
I would count on running this one without me.
I’d be in for that.
The only problem there is going to be light level. If we raid every night, I won’t have any time to power up, and starting at a 15 point detriment is already pretty significant, not even considering what level the raid will end at.
I would count on running this one without me.
I guess we'll see. I don't know what Disciple's frustrations are, but there is plenty frustrating about it. People aren't evenly leveled or skilled (guilty!). People aren't committed to staying blind. People aren't willing to make it a priority or simply don't have the bandwidth or schedule flexibility to devote the time to it. Getting people to commit to meaningful blocks of time is a significant headache (Words that drive organizers crazy at the beginning of a blind raid session: "I've only got an hour, guys.") People don't like "beating their head against the wall."
I confess that I probably have a preternatural tolerance for the latter, but I'm weird. Raiding has always been favorite activity. Blind raiding has always been an extra special form of it (most of the time). I imagined at this point in the life cycle of the game, I could find a group who felt like I did, who might be able to prioritize raiding for a few weeks, but even I have gotten burnt out on the cat herding. I don't mind some frustration inside a raid, but I'm not as interested in beating my head against the wall to organize it.
Maybe that's a sign. :(
My preferred model: Level up on Tues-Thurs, devote significant chunks of time to raid Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, maybe Monday night (but it can be a good night for a break). If level is the issue, spend a few nights the following week leveling, then dive back in with big chunks of time over the next weekend. If I could find five people who could do that, I think we'd have the raid beaten or all but beaten before the third reset, but there's been major schedule obstacles preventing that the last few times.
I'll miss not doing it. Hope it happens in some form.
I would count on running this one without me.
I guess we'll see. I don't know what Disciple's frustrations are, but there is plenty frustrating about it. People aren't evenly leveled or skilled (guilty!). People aren't committed to staying blind. People aren't willing to make it a priority or simply don't have the bandwidth or schedule flexibility to devote the time to it. Getting people to commit to meaningful blocks of time is a significant headache (Words that drive organizers crazy at the beginning of a blind raid session: "I've only got an hour, guys.") People don't like "beating their head against the wall."
100% all of the above, and also very much...
I don't mind some frustration inside a raid, but I'm not as interested in beating my head against the wall to organize it.
...this. So many messages sent along the lines of, "Hey, still trying to figure out our raid schedule. Let me know when you'll be free for follow-up attempts." When what I meant was, "This is the fourth message asking for the same information. We've got a forum thread, an FTB event, an XBL group message, and you've got my email and phone number, but I'll set up Discord or Slack group if somehow none of those work for you. I JUST NEED YOU TO GIVE ME YOUR F***ING AVAILABILITY SO THE FIVE OTHER ADULTS IN THIS TEAM CAN PLAN TO DO SOMETHING BESIDES 'WAIT TO SEE IF xx-GaMeRtAg-Xx WILL SHOW' UP WHEN THE REST OF US ARE FREE!!!"
I totally understand that not everyone has a set schedule, and those that don't, don't always get much advanced notice about their schedule, but if you don't know your schedule when we're trying to coordinate, just say you don't know and give the team an idea of when you might find out. Don't just refuse to respond for a few days because you don't have the info yet.
This isn't my biggest problem, but it's up there. I get that it's just a video game, but when you're raiding, you're sharing that game with five other adults who have real lives just like yours. When you jerk people around when they're trying to coordinate, or worse, you cancel last-minute or just fail to show up, you're stealing free time from people who may have very little to spare, but were willing to spend it to play with you.
My preferred model: Level up on Tues-Thurs, devote significant chunks of time to raid Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, maybe Monday night (but it can be a good night for a break). If level is the issue, spend a few nights the following week leveling, then dive back in with big chunks of time over the next weekend. If I could find five people who could do that, I think we'd have the raid beaten or all but beaten before the third reset, but there's been major schedule obstacles preventing that the last few times.
This is the way I'd rather do it as well, but my poorly timed "vacation" totally hosed that idea for this raid.
I'll miss not doing it. Hope it happens in some form.
I'm hoping that completely not worrying about spoilers this time will soothe some of my blind raid burnout so that next time, I'll be excited about blind raiding again. I'm also hoping that the timing will work out better where I can dedicate the following weekend and Monday evening to finishing the raid.
I would count on running this one without me.
I desperately want to blind raid.
I just don’t have the time for it this time around. I have a vacation on June 20th, and I need to get the Jeep up to snuff before I put 1500 miles on it and take it rock crawling in Moab.
Also, I just don’t like dedicating weeks to raiding like we did with Last Wish. The current raid design where you have to break after every encounter to go power up some more absolutely sucks, and I just don’t want to do it. Reading your paragraph there about taking a break to power up made me want to throw my Xbox out a fucking window.
That’s really my issue. I love blind raiding, but the days of being able to knock it out in a full weekend or evenings in a week are gone. And for as much fun as I’ve always had blind raiding, it is just no longer worth committing to being available to raid for three weeks or a month straight. I loved doing The Last Wish with you all, but I honestly wanted to quit after a week. I have other shit I want to spend my evenings doing after about a week.
So, with that—I am totally down to spend the week leveling up and give it a good shot on Friday and Saturday evening with a full day on Sunday. I’m also down to jump in immediately and do evenings for the week. My stipulation is that I’m done after Sunday (if we’re close I would do Monday night before reset, I guess). I understand that not having a full commitment for as long as necessary isn’t ideal, and if you have a full team willing to make that commitment, absolutely take it. If you don’t, I’d love to give it a shot, but that’s what it is—giving it a shot for a week.
I would count on running this one without me.
I'm just not going to be able to do it. Too many other obligations. I've got two side businesses that are ramping up, plus camping a lot during the summer, plus travel, plus a hundred other things. I can't dedicate a ton of time and it's just going to be hit or miss. I think this time I just want to know the mechanics and make myself available to help out whenever I am online. We spent so much time on the previous raids doing it blind that I got burned out after the first completion. I think I have only run the last raid twice. I think this time I just want to know what to do and get my enjoyment from hoping on with various groups from here for an hour or two when I have time. Trying to schedule everything else around a blind raid is just too much stress for me this summer.
To clarify (and rant, I guess):
Just to be clear, Kermit, I also have no problems beating my head against a wall, if we're just trying to figure something out. My problem is the constant requirement to get more powerful for every new encounter.
How long did we fight that ogre in Last Wish, only to knock it out within the first try or two when we came back and everyone had gained 10 power levels?
That's what I'm talking about. The need to drag raids out over weeks with multiple interruptions to power up is the problem. The banging my head against the wall is really in reference to fighting a battle that would be very, very difficult to win due to a power detriment. It just feels pointless, and, unlike whoever it was around here that likes being underpowered--I don't. I think it sucks. It's the least fun thing to do in Destiny, as far as I'm concerned.
I'll be really honest right now, as I've been thinking about this for a lot of the day. It's honestly questionable that I'll be at 700 by the time the new season rolls around. I can just touch 680 right now. It wouldn't really take that much to get there. I intended to get some Powerful Engrams tonight. But . . . well, the last thing I want to do right now is fire up Destiny and run a Nightfall or do three strikes, or do a Flashpoint.
Maybe I'm just in a bad mood, maybe I'll jump on tomorrow and the rest of the week and knock everything out and have a blast.
Or maybe I won't, I don't know.
That's where I'm at right now--I can't even fully commit to getting ready for the raid, much less sticking it out for multiple weeks through a blind run.
It sucks--I really want to. But the though of grinding out another 20 power levels over the next few weeks is honestly just exhausting to thinking about. At this exact moment, it doesn't sound like any fun at all. And I told myself a long time ago that if playing Destiny wasn't fun, I wouldn't do it.
I don't mean to be a downer, I've just been thinking about this all day, and I wanted to share my feelings. I've made almost this exact post a few times recently--I'll refrain from doing it again and dragging this place down. I'm just a little sad that I don't want to engage with any of this stuff anymore. I desperately hope Bungie figures something out to make it possible to just pick up and play this game after a hiatus, but I seriously doubt that will ever happen at this point.
I wanted to support one point you made
And I told myself a long time ago that if playing Destiny wasn't fun, I wouldn't do it.
This is a healthy attitude to have. I wanted to write more, but ran out of time before I have to go to work.
I would count on running this one without me.
I guess we'll see. I don't know what Disciple's frustrations are, but there is plenty frustrating about it. People aren't evenly leveled or skilled (guilty!). People aren't committed to staying blind. People aren't willing to make it a priority or simply don't have the bandwidth or schedule flexibility to devote the time to it. Getting people to commit to meaningful blocks of time is a significant headache (Words that drive organizers crazy at the beginning of a blind raid session: "I've only got an hour, guys.") People don't like "beating their head against the wall."
100% all of the above, and also very much...
I don't mind some frustration inside a raid, but I'm not as interested in beating my head against the wall to organize it.
...this. So many messages sent along the lines of, "Hey, still trying to figure out our raid schedule. Let me know when you'll be free for follow-up attempts." When what I meant was, "This is the fourth message asking for the same information. We've got a forum thread, an FTB event, an XBL group message, and you've got my email and phone number, but I'll set up Discord or Slack group if somehow none of those work for you. I JUST NEED YOU TO GIVE ME YOUR F***ING AVAILABILITY SO THE FIVE OTHER ADULTS IN THIS TEAM CAN PLAN TO DO SOMETHING BESIDES 'WAIT TO SEE IF xx-GaMeRtAg-Xx WILL SHOW' UP WHEN THE REST OF US ARE FREE!!!"
I totally understand that not everyone has a set schedule, and those that don't, don't always get much advanced notice about their schedule, but if you don't know your schedule when we're trying to coordinate, just say you don't know and give the team an idea of when you might find out. Don't just refuse to respond for a few days because you don't have the info yet.
This isn't my biggest problem, but it's up there. I get that it's just a video game, but when you're raiding, you're sharing that game with five other adults who have real lives just like yours. When you jerk people around when they're trying to coordinate, or worse, you cancel last-minute or just fail to show up, you're stealing free time from people who may have very little to spare, but were willing to spend it to play with you.
My preferred model: Level up on Tues-Thurs, devote significant chunks of time to raid Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, maybe Monday night (but it can be a good night for a break). If level is the issue, spend a few nights the following week leveling, then dive back in with big chunks of time over the next weekend. If I could find five people who could do that, I think we'd have the raid beaten or all but beaten before the third reset, but there's been major schedule obstacles preventing that the last few times.
This is the way I'd rather do it as well, but my poorly timed "vacation" totally hosed that idea for this raid.
I'll miss not doing it. Hope it happens in some form.
I'm hoping that completely not worrying about spoilers this time will soothe some of my blind raid burnout so that next time, I'll be excited about blind raiding again. I'm also hoping that the timing will work out better where I can dedicate the following weekend and Monday evening to finishing the raid.-Disciple
I made my post before I saw your event. I hope to play, and we'll see what happens.
I would count on running this one without me.
I desperately want to blind raid.
I just don’t have the time for it this time around. I have a vacation on June 20th, and I need to get the Jeep up to snuff before I put 1500 miles on it and take it rock crawling in Moab.
Also, I just don’t like dedicating weeks to raiding like we did with Last Wish. The current raid design where you have to break after every encounter to go power up some more absolutely sucks, and I just don’t want to do it. Reading your paragraph there about taking a break to power up made me want to throw my Xbox out a fucking window.
That’s really my issue. I love blind raiding, but the days of being able to knock it out in a full weekend or evenings in a week are gone. And for as much fun as I’ve always had blind raiding, it is just no longer worth committing to being available to raid for three weeks or a month straight. I loved doing The Last Wish with you all, but I honestly wanted to quit after a week. I have other shit I want to spend my evenings doing after about a week.
So, with that—I am totally down to spend the week leveling up and give it a good shot on Friday and Saturday evening with a full day on Sunday. I’m also down to jump in immediately and do evenings for the week. My stipulation is that I’m done after Sunday (if we’re close I would do Monday night before reset, I guess). I understand that not having a full commitment for as long as necessary isn’t ideal, and if you have a full team willing to make that commitment, absolutely take it. If you don’t, I’d love to give it a shot, but that’s what it is—giving it a shot for a week.
I'm not going to try to plan it this time. I'm going to join with Disciple.
To clarify (and rant, I guess):
Just to be clear, Kermit, I also have no problems beating my head against a wall, if we're just trying to figure something out. My problem is the constant requirement to get more powerful for every new encounter.
I wasn't quoting you re: beating my head against the wall. That's a common complaint.
How long did we fight that ogre in Last Wish, only to knock it out within the first try or two when we came back and everyone had gained 10 power levels?That's what I'm talking about. The need to drag raids out over weeks with multiple interruptions to power up is the problem. The banging my head against the wall is really in reference to fighting a battle that would be very, very difficult to win due to a power detriment. It just feels pointless, and, unlike whoever it was around here that likes being underpowered--I don't. I think it sucks. It's the least fun thing to do in Destiny, as far as I'm concerned.
I understand the appeal of the challenge, and I like adapting, changing positions, and so on, but I get you. We could probably do a better job of weighing the size of the challenge and whether to proceed vs. the thrill of beating an encounter by the skin of our teeth.
I forgot to mention another bit in my ideal scenario: ideally the group would stay blind for for a week or two and then start the raid already leveled to be able to beat several encounters. (I think that's what the elect, um, I mean, the admins do.) That would alleviate burn out due to raidus interruptus. Scheduling longer blocks of time to play helps, too, (say three hours minimum) and the last few times that's been like pulling teeth. I always think about Vault of Glass. We didn't raid until a few weeks after it became available. Nobody knew anything. I remember not even thinking raiding would be an activity I could do. Beorn assigned teams. We played a a long time on Friday, a good chunk Saturday, and Sunday, and then beat it. I don't know if we got lucky and no one on my team had a life then, but I rememeber playing for hours in the afternoon, taking a break, and then playing into the night. It was amazing, and I've been chasing that experience ever since.
I'll be really honest right now, as I've been thinking about this for a lot of the day. It's honestly questionable that I'll be at 700 by the time the new season rolls around. I can just touch 680 right now. It wouldn't really take that much to get there. I intended to get some Powerful Engrams tonight. But . . . well, the last thing I want to do right now is fire up Destiny and run a Nightfall or do three strikes, or do a Flashpoint.
I hear you. I've been thinking of chucking my consoles and then I'd roam the earth like Kung Fu. I didn't play at all for a month. Then I raided for a few weeks. This past week I decided I'd do some other stuff. I went from low 660s to 690.
Maybe I'm just in a bad mood, maybe I'll jump on tomorrow and the rest of the week and knock everything out and have a blast.
Totally allowed. I'll be jumping in to pick up some low-hanging engrams. If you see me, ping me.
Or maybe I won't, I don't know.
No judgment from me.
That's where I'm at right now--I can't even fully commit to getting ready for the raid, much less sticking it out for multiple weeks through a blind run.It sucks--I really want to. But the though of grinding out another 20 power levels over the next few weeks is honestly just exhausting to thinking about. At this exact moment, it doesn't sound like any fun at all. And I told myself a long time ago that if playing Destiny wasn't fun, I wouldn't do it.
I don't mean to be a downer, I've just been thinking about this all day, and I wanted to share my feelings. I've made almost this exact post a few times recently--I'll refrain from doing it again and dragging this place down. I'm just a little sad that I don't want to engage with any of this stuff anymore. I desperately hope Bungie figures something out to make it possible to just pick up and play this game after a hiatus, but I seriously doubt that will ever happen at this point.
Everything you've said is perfectly clear and understandable. I'm wrestling with the same issues. I don't know if the lifestyle I want includes a lifestyle game.
You have a life! Tremendous!
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To clarify (and rant, I guess):
It just feels pointless, and, unlike whoever it was around here that likes being underpowered--I don't. I think it sucks. It's the least fun thing to do in Destiny, as far as I'm concerned.
I understand the appeal of the challenge, and I like adapting, changing positions, and so on, but I get you. We could probably do a better job of weighing the size of the challenge and whether to proceed vs. the thrill of beating an encounter by the skin of our teeth.
Well, that would be me. I do love that ultimate challenge of figuring out how to achieve victory against seemingly impossible odds. I hate leaving the question whether we could have beaten it without more leveling unanswered, when in a lot of cases it just seems like one good run where everything comes together would beat the encounter. I do think we made the right decision to give up on Riven though - failures during the multiple end sequences once we actually got that far would have been too heartbreaking. I still enjoyed how we rallied around the dark humor of picking the eyes randomly.
I don't know if we got lucky and no one on my team had a life then, but I rememeber playing for hours in the afternoon, taking a break, and then playing into the night. It was amazing, and I've been chasing that experience ever since.
It seems like this forum demographic is such that a lot of people have more going on than they did 5 years ago. Not a lot of new blood.
To clarify (and rant, I guess):
It just feels pointless, and, unlike whoever it was around here that likes being underpowered--I don't. I think it sucks. It's the least fun thing to do in Destiny, as far as I'm concerned.
I understand the appeal of the challenge, and I like adapting, changing positions, and so on, but I get you. We could probably do a better job of weighing the size of the challenge and whether to proceed vs. the thrill of beating an encounter by the skin of our teeth.
Well, that would be me. I do love that ultimate challenge of figuring out how to achieve victory against seemingly impossible odds. I hate leaving the question whether we could have beaten it without more leveling unanswered, when in a lot of cases it just seems like one good run where everything comes together would beat the encounter. I do think we made the right decision to give up on Riven though - failures during the multiple end sequences once we actually got that far would have been too heartbreaking. I still enjoyed how we rallied around the dark humor of picking the eyes randomly.
I get it. My attitude is once we complete a round, we can string multiple rounds together. I enjoy the gradual improvement. And it IS exhilarating to finally beat it.
Bottom line, though, is that if we feel like we've figured out the mechanics, I've gotten what I came for. The Last Wish blindsided us with the Queen's walk.
I don't know if we got lucky and no one on my team had a life then, but I rememeber playing for hours in the afternoon, taking a break, and then playing into the night. It was amazing, and I've been chasing that experience ever since.
It seems like this forum demographic is such that a lot of people have more going on than they did 5 years ago. Not a lot of new blood.
Completely understandable given the average age of you kids.* :)
*I'd guess it's higher that most video game sites.
To clarify (and rant, I guess):
King’s Fall was my first blind raid, remains the pinnacle of a blind raid experience for me. It’s been long enough that I don’t really remember how we did it. I know it took a few weeks and a few subs for the final few days.
It was my first, so a lot of the extraneous shit didn’t matter as much. But it also just got into my lifestyle better.
I’ve always had the most fun in Destiny doing blind raids. I want to do it again! I just don’t think the game is designed in a way that really allows me to do so.
I still want to give this one a shot. I just legitimately don’t know if I’ll find the motivation to level up for it. I won’t force it. Likewise, I’m only 102 points away from Fabled. It seems silly not to knock that out and get Luna’s and Recluse, but I just can’t force myself to do it. I really want to be super engaged with Destiny. I love the best experiences it has to offer. But it just doesn’t work for me anymore. I can’t live this game, and it feels like that’s what it takes.
I would count on running this one without me.
I made my post before I saw your event. I hope to play, and we'll see what happens.
Not my event. Squid's running this show. I'm just along for the ride :)
To clarify (and rant, I guess):
Completely understandable given the average age of you kids.* :)
Heh - my KIDS are older (by a pretty significant chunk) than some of the people I play with these days. :)
To clarify (and rant, I guess):
Completely understandable given the average age of you kids.* :)
Heh - my KIDS are older (by a pretty significant chunk) than some of the people I play with these days. :)
Haven't added many people to my friends list in a while, but most of the people I know here I presume to be 25-35.
I'm not counting the old farts on PS4.
I would count on running this one without me.
I made my post before I saw your event. I hope to play, and we'll see what happens.
Not my event. Squid's running this show.
Ah, spread the wealth!
Did you just “Claude is old!” yourself? ;p <3
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To clarify (and rant, I guess):
Haven't added many people to my friends list in a while, but most of the people I know here I presume to be 25-35.
As of yesterday I no longer fit into that range! :-O
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Happy birthday!
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Are you... aging backwards?
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Wait... I think I'm in that group now. o.0 haha
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Figured I'd post here to check your Xbox messages, since the app is notoriously fickle. I'm wondering about availability Wednesday/Thursday night.
On a related note, just for anyone unaware:
Group messages on the PC Xbox App no longer work at all. Not sure about the mobile app. Makes it a pain in the ass, as I usually have my laptop open beside me for replying to messages.
I replied, but now when I go back and look at the messages I don't see my replies.
Just in case they didnt go through, I'm free at the normal times tomorrow, Thursday, and Friday. I'm free after 9:30 eastern on Wednesday.
I replied, but now when I go back and look at the messages I don't see my replies.
Yeah, the app was terrible before the "upgrade", but appears to continue to be terrible.
Just in case they didnt go through, I'm free at the normal times tomorrow, Thursday, and Friday. I'm free after 9:30 eastern on Wednesday.
Okay. A later Wednesday start time may be okay - I'm personally going to be way behind on leveling and that may give some of us a chance to run Riven/Queenswalk and cash in some keys.
I replied, but now when I go back and look at the messages I don't see my replies.
Yeah, the app was terrible before the "upgrade", but appears to continue to be terrible.
Just in case they didnt go through, I'm free at the normal times tomorrow, Thursday, and Friday. I'm free after 9:30 eastern on Wednesday.
Okay. A later Wednesday start time may be okay - I'm personally going to be way behind on leveling and that may give some of us a chance to run Riven/Queenswalk and cash in some keys.
I'd be up for this, but I'll still have an 11 EST quit time. :(