182 minutes (Destiny)

by Claude Errera @, Friday, May 03, 2019, 10:38 (2050 days ago) @ Cody Miller

Yeah, I had to spend the last 4 hours before the movie not drinking a drop of anything and then pee right before it started.

All you hamsters... I don't get it.

How did you handle long-distance car trips?

(Less than 6 hours, you weren't allowed to ask for stops. Pretty much the driving range of the car (350 highway miles @ ~60mph) was what you could expect in terms of bathroom breaks. You get used to it.)

You don’t understand. All the industry screenings don’t allow food. So when I go see a movie and pay for it, I take full advantage and go in there with a hot dog, a popcorn, and icee, and a coke. That can last 2 hours no prob. But man after three it gets painful.


(Nico tried to sneak in a super-crinkly bag of chips, which he planned to use to make as much noise as possible each time tritone trombones were played to signify deep meaning in the action. He was disappointed that he wasn't able to get the bag inside the theater, but pleasantly surprised by the overall music quality of the movie (relative to recent Marvel blockbusters).)

I discovered, last night, that when a movie is 3 hours long, you have a pretty good sense when a 'solution' is going to fail - if the heroes do something amazing at 60 minutes in, you can pretty much count on it failing. I guess what that means is, I was insufficiently immersed in the story.

Hot no-spoiler take: it was a fine action flick. It hit too many predictable beats to make me really happy. It certainly didn't waste my money, but I don't feel like this will be one of those movies I come back to, down the line, to relive the moment.

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