Whee Doggies. :( (Destiny)

by Claude Errera @, Saturday, April 06, 2019, 11:08 (2076 days ago) @ ManKitten

They have to ship the content sometime, so I'm with you that it isn't big and it isn't shameful.

Clearly it's not very big, which is why they're flat-out disabling the armor set and Synths entirely until further notice.


Sentry is the only Notorious armor I had. :(

Can't decide if this means I should work on getting other Notorious armor, or just quit playing Gambit Prime until they fix this. Sort of depressing that's my choice.

Oh yeah? Was that fancy armor helping you win? :P

No idea, actually. I earned it the last time I played the GP/Reckoning loop; I hadn't tried it on yet. Was something I worked hard to get to, though, and the Outlaw armor I used to infuse the Notorious armor WAS useful. So... yeah, probably?

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