Just some more videos... and commentary on Thorn. (Destiny)
1, 2… oh, 3!
I don’t know what that Titan was using, but it was _super effective._
Good use of powers all around:
I don’t think either of us expected this outcome!
A thorn in the enemy’s side. Yeah… lowercase t. But not for much longer!
And that's it for the Crucible part of the Thorn quest. I originally thought it'd take all weekend. Nah. Now the only hard part, I guess....
Complete thread:
- Just some more videos... and commentary on Thorn. -
2019-03-14, 10:45
- Just some more videos... and commentary on Thorn. - cheapLEY, 2019-03-14, 11:50
- Just some more videos... and commentary on Thorn. - Ragashingo, 2019-03-16, 10:08
- Just some more videos... and commentary on Thorn. - Ragashingo, 2019-03-16, 16:01