Mixed Feelings after Playing Demo (Off-Topic)

by digital_ronin, Saturday, January 26, 2019, 11:18 (1939 days ago) @ Schooly D

I signed up for EA Access to play the demo. The initial impression of the game isn't very good. I wonder how much of that is because movement is such a key component of this game and there aren't any tutorials that teach you how it works. And for those playing with a keyboard and mouse, it doesn't help that they haven't finalized tuning controls.

The story is a selling point of the game, but I don't think the demo really did it any justice. I thought the closed alpha teased the story better.

But the more time I've spent with the demo, the more the game has grown on me. The gun play isn't as good as Destiny (not much is), but I feel like it is superior to The Division (another game that's worth comparing.) I'm also getting a Diablo 3 feel from the difficulty levels, where you repeat content on higher levels to get better gear. I just hope they learned from Diablo 3 and have something like rifts and bounties to create an interesting end game loop and don't focus solely on pinnacle activities like raids. Both would be best, the later for multiplayer endgame and the former for solo or multiplayer endgame.

I'll probably get it. If all it ends up being is a fun romp through the story and some dabbling in the endgame it will worth my time. And honestly, I'm hoping it isn't a lifestyle game to the degree Destiny is. I can't make a game the focus of my life.

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