
Best method for getting Light (Destiny)

by DiscipleN2k @, Edmond, OK, Tuesday, September 18, 2018, 09:59 (2356 days ago) @ ChrisTheeCrappy
edited by DiscipleN2k, Tuesday, September 18, 2018, 10:03

--Edit: Ignore all of this. kidtsunami's post is way better--

Not a cool graphic, but the "this part is dumb" part of this post is my daily/weekly routine. At the moment my three Guardians are 540, 542, & 543 so as obnoxious as it is, it's working for me. From what I've read (sorry, can't find my source), the "powerful rewards" from activities that have a higher light level requirement (Nightfall, Dreaming City (maybe?) and probably something else I'm too tired to remember) will give you the biggest bump in power level. When we were running stuff last week, I think Chappy was recommending doing the things that give you minor powerful rewards if your gear has a wide range of powers (i.e. 418 boots & a 428 kinetic weapon), and save the major powerful rewards (Nightfall) for when your gear is all within a one or two point spread.

Also, if you're running multiple characters every week, try to claim all of the powerful rewards on your most powerful Guardian first, then move onto the 2nd most powerful and clear everything before using your weakest Guardian. By the end of the week, they'll probably flip and the last shall be first.


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