
-1 (Gaming)
The fact that we live in a society where folks automatically assume you speak for a company or represent their values just because you work for them is also disappointing. I am not the company I work for, I have my own set of beliefs and values. Those might align with company values as much as possible, but we don’t live in a world where that’s possible. At a certain point, I just need money to put a roof over my head.
Totally agree. If there's one thing that I've always shaken my head over is the need for people to say "my views are my own, blah blah", but the fact of the matter is that if you work for a company, especially (as t1g3r mentioned above) if you post that company in your bio, you're presenting yourself as a representative, and it's an acknowledgement that you are affecting their bottom line with the things that you say.
She's outspoken, that's fine. Everyone should be free to express themselves. But when you lash out at your community, especially when it's unprovoked, there are bound to be consequences one way or another, even if you put up a disclaimer that the views presented aren't necessarily those of your employer (so why should they take a hit for her?).
She didn’t say anything destructive or dangerous, she just told a person on the internet to fuck off. Who hasn’t done that?
I think the big issue is exposure. Guild Wars 2 is not a niche product. This is a company where a significant number of its users took issue with what these two employees did, and it was made worse by the fact that Price started blocking official Partners who wanted to diffuse the situation. Ya know, people who all had their own Guild Wars followings.
She took the posts from what could have been chalked up to a bad day, and exacerbated it in a way that is typical of people with her mindset. Again, she says that she doesn't regret it (and made a bridge-burning jab at ArenaNet), so the firing probably wasn't unwarranted.
But whatevs, what's done is done. End of the day, ArenaNet saved more face than the damage incurred, so they did what was best for the company (as excessive as it might seem to us, people outside of that community). In a week, nobody will care, and she can go back to job hunting in peace.
Complete thread:
- Fan Communication -
Cody Miller,
2018-07-07, 07:19
- Fan Communication -
2018-07-07, 08:15
- Fan Communication - Xenos, 2018-07-07, 08:56
- Fan Communication -
2018-07-07, 09:17
- Fan Communication -
2018-07-07, 11:13
- Fan Communication - EffortlessFury, 2018-07-07, 14:21
- Fan Communication -
2018-07-07, 11:13
- Bad move by ArenaNet -
2018-07-07, 09:22
- +1
- Harmanimus, 2018-07-07, 14:04
- Strongly agree
- kidtsunami, 2018-07-08, 16:09
- +1
- Good move by ArenaNet -
2018-07-07, 09:38
- I promise I won't lash out if you tweet FIFA criticism at me
- CyberKN, 2018-07-07, 09:57
- -1 - cheapLEY, 2018-07-07, 11:02
- +1
- Schedonnardus, 2018-07-16, 08:21
- I promise I won't lash out if you tweet FIFA criticism at me
- Fan Communication -
2018-07-07, 09:44
- I think Phae trouted me once over on uF, it was an honor
- Pyromancy, 2018-07-07, 09:58
- Fan Communication -
2018-07-07, 14:28
- Fan Communication -
2018-07-07, 14:56
- Fan Communication -
2018-07-07, 15:06
- Fan Communication -
2018-07-07, 16:42
- Fan Communication -
2018-07-07, 18:05
- Fan Communication -
2018-07-07, 22:07
- Fan Communication - EffortlessFury, 2018-07-08, 01:55
- Fan Communication -
2018-07-07, 22:07
- Fan Communication -
2018-07-07, 18:05
- Fan Communication -
2018-07-07, 16:42
- Fan Communication -
2018-07-07, 15:06
- Fan Communication -
2018-07-07, 17:37
- Fan Communication - EffortlessFury, 2018-07-07, 18:09
- Fan Communication -
2018-07-07, 14:56
- I think Phae trouted me once over on uF, it was an honor
- Fan Communication -
2018-07-07, 08:15