
New Discord: Filthy Casuals (Gaming)
HBO and DBO have been a bit fragmented lately and lacking in fast communication (as well as some segments being slow or underserved, like lore talk). To help remedy this, and hopefully help other friends of b.org connect and have fun, there's a new Discord server in town.
It's called Filthy Casuals because even though there are some very skilled players around here, and some people who take the fiction in anything but a casual way, b.org has always been friendly to people with different levels of skill and commitment. Just as importantly, we've always been able to laugh at ourselves.
The link to join is here.
As for topics, there's a focus on Halo and Destiny but gaming in general is welcome, tech in general is welcome, and socializing in general is always welcome. If you've got stories about Halo or Destiny or Dark Souls or Mass Effect, new theories on the lore, old theories you want to talk about some more, criticisms about balance, concerns about the future, praise for changes or tradition, rampant speculation, a weird rash-- we want to hear about all of it.
If you're not familiar with Discord, it's the big player these days as far as easy, fast, universal text and voice chat. It's been replacing things like Teamspeak and Mumble and Skype but also supplanting IRC and Steam chat. It's completely free, it doesn't have any ads, it doesn't have much lag at all, and if you're on a desktop or laptop you don't even need to download anything if you don't want to.
You can make an account and download Discord or open it in your browser right here.
In case you missed the server link, you can join the server by clicking right here. If you don't have Discord installed, it will open in your browser.
This server is not officially affiliated with HBO, DBO, MBO*, IBO†, FBO, FBI, DVI†, Bungie LLC, bungie.net‡, Microsoft, 343 Industries¶, Certain Affinity, Ensemble Studios†, Creative Assembly, Vanguard Games†, Activision, Blizzard, High Moon Studios, Vicarious Visions, or the Device in Wu's basement, and is only moderately affiliated with Community Customs.
* any of them
‡ or any group on it
¶ although we may know a guy