
Alright. I'll give ya that. (Off-Topic)

by cheapLEY @, Wednesday, July 04, 2018, 10:54 (2146 days ago) @ Cody Miller

but I still can’t fathom being so angry about it if I didn’t like it.

Hulk explains it pretty well in this, and his Thundercats essay.

I mean, I get what he’s saying. It makes sense, logically. It’s just difficult to put myself in that position, I guess. I can’t imagine feeling so bitter about a piece of entertainment.

The closest thing to Star Wars for me is Harry Potter. It was my childhood, and, along with The Lord of the Rings, the thing that made me enjoy reading and storytelling. The newest piece of that universe is The Cursed Child, a play. I’ve never seen the play, but I read the published script (is that way you call the written play? I don’t know.), and I didn’t like it. I feel the way about that thing the same way many apparently do about The Last Jedi. I made the same arguments in my head that the author of this piece is criticizing. Like The Last Jedi, it might totally be good storytelling, but I just didn’t like it. The thing is, I read it, I hated it, and then I just forgot about it and moved on with my life. It didn’t “ruin my childhood,” it didn’t take away my enjoyment of Harry Potter. It was just a new thing I didn’t like and can safely ignore.

I don’t begrudge anyone not liking The Last Jedi. That’s fine. I do begrudge people telling me it’s a bad movie and that I’m wrong for liking it, though. There’s value in critical analysis. Let’s gave a discussion about it though, not an argument. If someone is that fired up, it’s already sliding into being an argument, and I’m just not fucking interested in doing that anymore.

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