
Once Again, You're Wrong About Everything. (Gaming)

by Morpheus @, High Charity, Saturday, June 30, 2018, 19:13 (2345 days ago) @ Cody Miller

You thumb your nose at 4K, claiming it to be a waste. And you don't even realize with your precious 1080p, that you're just as blasphemous as the visually addicted set before you! Your own obsession with graphical seduction has become your very downfall. I feel pity for your own soul lost in the perversion of high definition...



(Y'know, I once had a massive wood top set that was bolted to a TV stand on rollers, it was so damn backbreakingly big. Unfortunately I had to give it away—even though it seriously still worked—but it would've made for an even funnier joke. Oh well!)

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