E3 2018 | Ubisoft - History as Games. Dystopia as Fun. (Gaming)
Such as:
Assassin’s Creed Odyssey (Embed to dodge age gate)
For Honor : Marching Fire (Embed to dodge age gate)
Skull and Bones (Gameplay)
The Division 2 (With an embed to dodge age gate) (Gameplay 1)
Trials Rising
Beyond Good and Evil 2 (Embed to dodge age gate)

Holding out hope for the Sony Conference. That Walmart leak has been batting a thousand so far.

Holding out hope for the Sony Conference. That Walmart leak has been batting a thousand so far.
Yeah. But... why would Splinter Cell be shown at Sony Conf... ._. ... unless it became an exclusive.
I just made my self more sad. :(

Switch Exclusive.
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*Clicks Button* Nooooooooooooo!
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Update: I am very upset.
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WalMart Lied to us! D:
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Yves Guillemot Comments On Splinter Cell's E3 2018 No-Show
Don't know what happened to the capture, but here's what he said: "So we love the brand first. We, er, we really, er, want to come back with at some point but I can't say much today."
Not the most thrilling comment, I know, but felt it needed to be added to the conversation all the same. If it's still so NDA, then how did it get into the WalMart Advertisement? And why... WHY... would they put Sam Fisher in another game, BEFORE E3 if they weren't going to have something to show at E3.
I just. Ehhh. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯