
Not Marathon Infinity... (Gaming)

by MacAddictXIV @, Seattle WA, Monday, June 11, 2018, 12:04 (2449 days ago) @ cheapLEY

I hate that it feels like the internet bullied 343i into moving back to the old art style. Did they do it because they wanted to, or did they do it because they feel like they need to to make the internet happy. If you’re a fan of something and spend all your time bitching about a new art style or story direction or whatever else, seriously fuck off. It’s happening with Halo, Destiny, Star Wars, just about everything. There’s voicing your criticism, but at a certain point it’s better if you just recognize the series went a direction you don’t like and move on. I’d much rather see a product made with passion, even if I don’t love it, versus a product designed just to make people happy.

I totally agree with this. And we don't know yet whether this is a step back to Halo 1 in a good way because that's where they want the direction to go. I mean, it's going back to a halo, so that might be the aesthetic they want and they are doubling down. Only time and the developers perspective can enlighten us on this.

I for one am excited because I know I liked Halo 1 and if they get some of the feeling back from what I got from Halo 1, great, I'm all for it. But I know they can't reproduce Halo 1 and that's perfectly okay with me. I don't want them to remake Halo 1 or 2 or even 3. I want a Halo that I love.

All that said, I’m not trying to imply that 343i isn’t passionate or dedicated or excited about this new vision. They probably are! I just hate feeling like the artists and designers are bowing to a bunch of internet fuckwits that throw tantrums because they don’t like something. Even if that’s not what happened, look at the attitude of people about this. Hell, look at the posts on HBO. It’s all “I’m glad 343i realized their shit sucked,” and I just can’t get behind that attitude. And that will always be the narrative now—that 343i fucked up, when what really happened is a bunch of manbabies can’t move on when they don’t like something.

I'm just not touching this. I understand the passion and emotions that are involved, but regardless of whether it's true or untrue, I would rather have a conversation about a topic that doesn't involve slandering people in the process.

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