
Comcast (or whoever) pays for your infrastructure. (Gaming)
That's not really what people are worried about with net neutrality. There are countries without any laws at all defending net neutrality and they don't charge for how much you use, they charge for the parts of the Internet you use. Want to use social media? That's $5.99 a month! Want to play video games? That's $9.99 a month! And this is not a piecemeal thing where you just pay that price, that's on top of the price you pay for Internet each month. Net Neutrality was specifically set up to stop companies from doing this type of pricing.
In addition what about small businesses/free sites that want to show content? If Comcast starts charging a premium to have your content show up at anything above 512kbps, even though that company is not using any large amount of bandwidth, there's nothing that company can do, and no protection against it.
Classic toll-road mentality, and it's been showing for months. The second it became clear what the FCC was going to do (at the behest of said companies); there were radio ads on multiple stations in DC pumping up public perception of the changes as "good for business" and thereby the economy; and through some kind of warped transitive property, good for all of us. Tiered offerings for selected services are unfortunately a pretty likely outcome. I guess time will tell, but public outcry hasn't seemed to make a dent.
Complete thread:
- Savor your freedom online -
Cody Miller,
2018-06-07, 12:37
- It was always a scam -
2018-06-07, 19:44
- It was always a scam -
Cody Miller,
2018-06-07, 21:12
- Comcast (or whoever) pays for your infrastructure. -
2018-06-07, 22:59
- Comcast (or whoever) pays for your infrastructure. -
Cody Miller,
2018-06-07, 23:31
- Comcast (or whoever) pays for your infrastructure. -
2018-06-11, 08:26
- Comcast (or whoever) pays for your infrastructure. -
Cody Miller,
2018-06-11, 08:46
- Comcast (or whoever) pays for your infrastructure. - Vortech, 2018-06-11, 10:11
- Comcast (or whoever) pays for your infrastructure. -
Cody Miller,
2018-06-11, 08:46
- Comcast (or whoever) pays for your infrastructure. -
2018-06-11, 08:26
- Comcast (or whoever) pays for your infrastructure. -
2018-06-08, 07:21
- ^ This.
- MacAddictXIV, 2018-06-08, 07:53
- Comcast (or whoever) pays for your infrastructure. - Malagate, 2018-06-08, 08:10
- ^ This.
- Comcast (or whoever) pays for your infrastructure. - narcogen, 2018-06-11, 05:16
- Your taxes pay for Comcast's infrastructure. - Vortech, 2018-06-11, 08:24
- Comcast (or whoever) pays for your infrastructure. -
Cody Miller,
2018-06-07, 23:31
- Comcast (or whoever) pays for your infrastructure. -
2018-06-07, 22:59
- Huh? - Blackt1g3r, 2018-06-08, 05:34
- Disagree - slycrel, 2018-06-09, 12:43
- It was always a scam -
Cody Miller,
2018-06-07, 21:12
- It was always a scam -
2018-06-07, 19:44