
On Being Fair (Gaming)

by Kermit @, Raleigh, NC, Monday, May 28, 2018, 10:28 (2463 days ago) @ Cody Miller

You raise good points. David Cage is very unlikely to starve to death, but many other people can be hurt if he and this game are hurt.

Never in a million years would you hear the following:

"Your honor, while my client committed armed robbery, he is the sole breadwinner for his wife and 5 kids. They have nobody else, and they will be hurt without his income. So you can't send him to prison."

But that's what you are arguing. And that's why people in power never get punished. It's a bullshit way to look at things dude.

I get the sense that the caution being discussed is against premature judgement and "sentencing" via the court of public opinion. In your example, the court case is underway, and would certainly be the point in time to judge the person, regardless of their employer or bread-winning status.

An acquittal in court is not necessarily proof of innocence. All it means is that your guilt could not be determined from the evidence. Many guilty people go free precisely because we rightly set the standard for conviction very high.

French (and many European countries) have somewhat lax laws when it comes to freedom of speech. You can be convicted in court of slander or libel even if what you say is true. So I would not put faith in the French court system when it comes to journalistic matters since freedom of speech and freedom of the press are not as strongly codified as in the US for example.

Quantic Dream could very well win their case even if the allegations are true.

And there's always the possibility that they lose their case even if the allegations are false, although that's probably less likely. But the court's verdict has not been the focus of this discussion. Your automatic assumption of guilt out of the gate and willingness to punish and encourage others to punish was the focus. I've not argued against your right to do that, but I do see as problematic this current tendency to organize the public to be an extra-legal judge and jury acting on the first whiff of wrongdoing.

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