
Solo: A Fanservice Story *Unmarked SP* (Off-Topic)

by cheapLEY @, Sunday, May 27, 2018, 16:21 (2181 days ago)

Fair warning, I'm not using any spoiler tags, as this thread has already been marked spoilers.

I just got home after seeing Solo: A Star Wars Story. I liked it! I liked it quite a bit, actually.

I am far from articulate enough to actually write up a good review, but I wanted to post up a few quick thoughts in case others have seen the film this weekend.

Let's start with my biggest disappointment:

The movie is exactly what I thought it was going to be. It's putting to film and explaining every reference Han has ever made. Saving Chewie? Check. Kessel Run? Check. Winning the Falcon? Check. Han shot first? Check. Starting the tradition of play-acting like he's angry when he meets Lando? Check. Chewie ripping arms off of things? Check. Bonus points for the absolutely asinine origin of his name: "Oh, you don't have a last name, and you're alone? Solo it is then!"

Despite the fact that I think they could have done something fundamentally more interesting with a Han Solo movie . . . I think it all worked. It was interesting and told a compelling story from start to finish. It has the modern Star Wars humor, so if the new movies aren't doing it for you from that perspective, this one isn't any different. I thought it worked, but I'm not exactly difficult to please.

I totally buy Alden Ehrenreich as young Han Solo. I'm not sure I'd go so far as to say he nailed it, but I think he was very good. Donald Glover was great as Lando. I find myself wishing he'd have had a bigger role, but his character is totally consistent with what we know of Lando.

I did love seeing the Falcon in new, pristine condition. That thing looked classy!

I'm not sure whether I love or hate the end of Emilia Clarke's plotline. On one hand, I hate that, once again, everything comes back around to the Jedi/Sith perspective--the universe is more than big enough to not need that shoved in there. On the other hand, I'm totally interested to see what happens there, because Darth Maul is awesome. I haven't seen the animated Rebels show (but loved The Clone Wars), but I knew Darth Maul was still alive, I just didn't expect them to really acknowledge that on the big screen.

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