
Breaking Bad Season 5 Episode 14 *SP* (Off-Topic)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Monday, September 16, 2013, 13:29 (3895 days ago) @ UnrealCh13f

To me this where Walt really stepped up and became respectable again.

He was ready to give up ALL HIS MONEY to save Hank. He cares about family.

He lied on the phone when he knew the police were listening to get Skyler off the hook legally, and with Flynn, even if it ruined his life with no going back. He cares about his family.

To me, this episode was the moment he came back to his moral center.

It goes back to a discussion he had with Gus earlier in the series. Gus said a man provides for his family. Even if he is not thanked for it. Even if he is not loved for it. Even if he is HATED for it. Walt's a man.

My heart still sank when he uttered 'Found him' however!

My prediction is of course that he finds out Jessie is captive but not dead, and frees him at the expense of his own life.

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