
Revisiting the Division (Gaming)

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Thursday, March 08, 2018, 10:48 (2544 days ago)

I picked up the Complete Edition of The Division (Xbox) last month when it was on sale... I'd already played the main campaign over on the PS4, back when the game first launched. But I keep hearing good things about how it's improved over time since then, so I figured I'd start fresh and see how its evolved.


The "end game" of The Division has matured in some really fun and interesting ways. I thought I'd share some of the cool things they've done. If I'd known about all this stuff sooner, I probably would have jumped back in a long time ago.

World Tiers and Difficulty Levels

The Division has a "power level" system, similar to Destiny's "Light Level". You're given a rating that reflects your overall gear strength, and driving that number higher and higher is one of the core goals of the end game. When replaying missions, you have the option to select from several "Difficulty Levels". These levels will make the enemies you face progressively stronger and more deadly (think of taking red-bar enemies and turning them into yellow-bar enemies, in Destiny terms). Completing missions on higher difficulty levels will yield better gear drops as you'd expect.

As you complete the main campaign and side quests, you will eventually reach a power level sufficiently high enough to trivialize most of the enemies that you'll come across in the open world. Even replaying missions on the harder difficulty levels will become trivial, because you so drastically outclass the enemies in terms of power level. Related to that, you'll have outgrown the gear that drops from replaying missions, because it will all be below your current level. So Ubisoft added "World Tiers" to the game. Basically, once you reach a high enough power level, you can choose to jump up to the next World Tier, which raises the power level of all the enemies, as well as the power level of all gear drops. There are a total of 5 World Tiers to choose from. When selecting a World Tier, the appropriate power level is displayed right next to it in the UI, so you can easily gauge if you're ready, gear-wise, for a given Tier. Plus, you can go back down to a lower tier whenever you want (while also retaining the ability to select the difficulty level of a given mission within any world tier). The gear drops you get from any activity will always be appropriate to the suggested power level of the World Tier you are currently in. This way, every activity in the game can constantly yield loot drops that are useful to the player, even as you reach maximum power level.

So all together, this system lets the player choose the difficulty and reward levels that they want to experience at any time, without narrowing down the choice of activity. You can do an "easy" version of a raid by jumping down to a lower World Tier, or you can make the very first story mission a white-knuckled experience that rewards end-game loot. Whatever you want.

The Underground

At this point in its lifespan, the Division is roughly where Destiny 1 was just before the launch of Destiny 2. There are a bunch of different end-game activities, from Incursions (the Division's version of a Raid, although not as long or mechanics-heavy), to Survival (a take on the PUBG formula), the exciting and stressful Dark Zone (PvPvE).

One of my favorite activities is the Underground, which is basically the Division's equivalent of the Infinite Forest, except it is fully fleshed-out and well developed. You journey down into the under-city of Manhattan to complete semi-randomly generated missions. The missions are built from a bunch of pre-made "pieces" that are randomly assembled and populated with enemies in a variety of ways. But unlike the Infinite Forrest, there are so many pieces of environment that I'm still fighting in new rooms and locations even after spending 5-6 hours running these missions. The spaces are all well designed and fun to fight in. But that's just the start.

What makes the Underground so much fun is the level of customization the player has access to. Before you begin a mission, you help design it. You can decide how many "phases" the mission will include (each phase having its own objective/destination to reach). Like everything else in the game, you have loads of control over the difficulty of an Underground Mission before you launch it. Plus, there are modifiers. There's a whole selection of modifiers that you can activate if you want to, and they significantly change the way the game plays. None of the modifiers are purely helpful or harmful. They all involve some kind of trade-off. One modifier grants the players increased health while they are running, but reduced health while they are behind cover. Another grants the players electrically-charged "stun" ammo in all their weapons, which can stun enemies if you put enough bullets into them... but these stun bullets will also overload your gun and stun you if you don't stop firing and let your weapon cool down frequently while in combat.

I played this one Underground missions with a group of 3 other players... we cranked up the difficulty to an insane level, so that the enemies dealt massive damage and had huge amounts of health. Then we turned on the stun-ammo mod that I mentioned above, as well as a mod that decreased the recharge time of our deployable turrets while increasing the recharge time of our deployable health-stations. Using specific Gear Perks (more on that later), several of us were able to spec out our characters so that we could toss these deployable healing stations that would also nullify the overload effect of our stun bullets. So as long as we had one of these health stations deployed, and as long as we were all within its AOE, we could fire our weapons full-blast, with no fear of them overloading. BUT, we had to be extremely careful deploying these stations, because the other mod was slowing down their recharge time. We worked out a system of taking turns deploying our stations, so that one player would have time for his station to recharge while the other player had his deployed. Meanwhile, we were throwing Flame-Turrets and unloading stun-bullets on the hordes of super-enemies like crazy. We made a sort of spider-web of fire and shock ammo that kept the enemies stunned long enough for us to take them out before they were right on top of us... and when we failed, we'd get wiped out almost instantly.

It was intense, crazy, stressful, and fun, and completely different than the usual Division combat. And that was just one of countless possible combinations of modifiers.

Seamless Matchmaking that runs in the background

When the Division first came out, a lot of people praised it for its seamless matchmaking for all activities. Any time you start a mission, either by selecting it through the always-available mission menu, or by walking up to the start-point in the open world, you have the option of activating matchmaking for that mission. Once matchmaking begins, it runs in the background while you go about your business until it either finds players to add to your fireteam, or finds another group and presents you with the option to be pulled in with them. So if I want to do a tougher mission and I want some help, I can select the mission from the menu and start matchmaking, then go about my business in the open world, completing side quests and bonus objectives, until a match is found. Once a match is found, I can teleport to the start-point of the mission with the click of a button whenever I want. Sometimes I'll be joined by a couple other players who will help me complete whatever side-mission I was in the middle of running when matchmaking added them to my instance. Or sometimes I'll start the mission by myself and have other players join my session as I go.

With matchmaking available for every single mission and every single activity (including the option to be matchmade with people who are just patrolling the open world), it can sometimes take a few minutes for the game to find other players to group you with. But Ubisoft has done something brilliant IMO, because they let you cue up matchmaking for multiple activities at the same time.

So if I jump online and I have a list of activities that I might want to do, I can select each of them from the mission list and matchmake for all of them... then I'll get a prompt when a group is found doing any of the activities I've selected, and I can choose to join that group or keep waiting for another group. And while all this is happening, I'm still playing the game doing other stuff. In Destiny terms, this would be like selecting both raids, the nightfall, patrol, heroic strikes, AND Iron Banner from a matchmaking list, and then playing story missions or side quests while I wait for matchmaking to find me a group that I want to join. It's simply an amazing feature for a game of this sort.

Gear sets and perks

The final note I wanted to make is about the way end-game loot works in the Division.
There are no character "classes" in the game... rather, there are abilities that fall into 3 different categories, and you can select up to 3 abilities to use at a time. Your character has stats associated with each of the 3 categories that affect your potential... uh... effectiveness with abilities of that category. Then there are mods that can be applied to your gear that tweak all that. It's all a bit convoluted and overwhelming and I'm still learning how it works, but it's cool and gives BOATLOADS of flexibility and customization in terms of specing out a build. And speaking of builds, the game has a "loadout" system that lets you save any combination of gear and abilities that you've chosen into a loadout slot. You can then swap loadouts on the fly, pretty much any time you're not in direct combat. This means NO NEED TO JUGGLE MULTIPLE CHARACTERS JUST TO HAVE ACCESS TO DIFFERENT ABILITIES. You can play 1 character, and make that character effective in any way that you want, and change it quickly and easily at any time.

On top of all that, there are "Gear Sets". Gear sets are items that, when equipped in combination with each other, provide extra perks or abilities to the player. The perks that come with each gear set are usually designed around a particular playstyle or ability. So one Gear set has perks that improve your flame turrets in a variety of ways. Another grants perks that will improve the damage and effectiveness of sniper rifles, etc. These set perks are activated based on how many pieces of gear from that set you have equipped. So equipping any 2 pieces of gear from a single set will grant you a "level 2" perk. If you equip 3 pieces, you get the level 2 & 3 perks. 4 pieces from the same set will grant you the level 2, 3, and 4 perks. The level 4 perk is usually pretty awesome... but comes with an interesting trade off.

You have 6 total gear slots. Part of the fun with Gear Sets is that their perks stack on top of each other. So if I equip 3 pieces from one set and 3 pieces from another set, I'll get the level 2 and 3 perks from BOTH sets. The level 3 perks are usually pretty darn good, which makes this a tempting loadout to build. Or, do I go all out and equip 4 pieces of gear from a single set, so that I can unlock that level 4 perk, and sacrifice some diversity in favor of being ultra-effective in a specific way?

There are a bunch of other subtle layers to the way the gear works. For example, all the high-end guns have specific perks, some of which only activate if you spec your character out in certain ways. Some guns gain extra perks if you equip them along side another specific gun (think Mida Multitool+ Minitool). There's just a huge amount of customization and flexibility when it comes to creating different builds or loadouts. I don't feel like I'm chasing a number so much as I'm gaining new ways to play the game as I find more loot. But as far as numbers go, you do have the ability to upgrade the power level of any piece of gear at any time, just by dumping a certain currency into it. So once you find a piece of gear you like, its simple to continuously upgrade it to match your power level, with no RNG involved.

Whew... I think that's all I wanted to say for now. Long story short, I'm having a blast with the game, and I thought some of you might be interested in checking it out.



Also The Division 2 was just announced . . .

by cheapLEY @, Thursday, March 08, 2018, 10:58 (2544 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

And The Division is getting a One X enhancement in April. I might look into it.


Also The Division 2 was just announced . . .

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Thursday, March 08, 2018, 11:17 (2544 days ago) @ cheapLEY

And The Division is getting a One X enhancement in April. I might look into it.

Now THAT, I’ve gotta see. The game already looks incredible.

I’m curious to see how they handle the sequel. No doubt they’ve been paying very close attention to Destiny 2. It will be interesting to see what they do differently.


Also The Division 2 was just announced . . .

by Kermit @, Raleigh, NC, Thursday, March 08, 2018, 11:27 (2544 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

And The Division is getting a One X enhancement in April. I might look into it.

Now THAT, I’ve gotta see. The game already looks incredible.

Doesn't it, though? I was very surprised to learn that it wasn't already enhanced. There hasn't been a time we've played where one of us hasn't stopped and said "Stand here and look in that direction." It's a great-looking game.


Revisiting the Division

by Kermit @, Raleigh, NC, Thursday, March 08, 2018, 11:24 (2544 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

My buddy Prof Ozy and I (also known as Marcus Fenix and Dom Santiago from the Gears series) are slowly playing through the campaign (I'm talking one mission per week). We're savoring it, and we like it better each week.

I wanted to experience the campaign based on what several people here had said, and I didn't imagine that I would spend much time with the end game (I don't know if I have time for two Destiny-like games in my life). Having said that, if there is something like a raid activity, we can get a group together, and it doesn't require a lot of grinding to get ready for, I would definitely be interested in that at some point.

I know MacGyver and several other people here play.


Revisiting the Division

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Thursday, March 08, 2018, 11:52 (2544 days ago) @ Kermit

I wanted to experience the campaign based on what several people here had said, and I didn't imagine that I would spend much time with the end game (I don't know if I have time for two Destiny-like games in my life). Having said that, if there is something like a raid activity, we can get a group together, and it doesn't require a lot of grinding to get ready for, I would definitely be interested in that at some point.

At this point, you can easily shoot straight past the level requirements for the first Incursion (the Division’s raid-like activity, of which there are 4) without ever feeling like you are grinding. I finished the campaign and still had loads of side quests to do. Plus there are daily missions (a la Daily Heroic missions in Destiny) that’ll level you up real quick, not to mention the Darkzone. Between all that stuff I was easily able to level to the point where I could jump into the next world tier, at which point EVERYTHING started dropping gear that would help me level up.

I’d love to play with you at some point :)


Which version do I buy though?

by Speedracer513 @, Dallas, Texas, Thursday, March 08, 2018, 12:54 (2544 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

I've been seriously thinking about getting into the Division for the past couple months now. I really enjoyed what I played of the beta - but haven't played any since then. But I've watched some here and there on Twitch and have been hearing nothing but good things about how it has evolved since release.

So... Do I need to buy the Gold Edition (currently $89)? If I just buy the standard edition (currently $49) will I get to a wall of expansion content that I won't have access to?

Finally, it seems like I should probably lean towards getting it on Xbox One if I want to play with some of y'all rather than on PS4, huh?


Which version do I buy though?

by Korny @, Dalton, Ga. US. Earth, Sol System, Thursday, March 08, 2018, 12:58 (2544 days ago) @ Speedracer513

I've been seriously thinking about getting into the Division for the past couple months now. I really enjoyed what I played of the beta - but haven't played any since then. But I've watched some here and there on Twitch and have been hearing nothing but good things about how it has evolved since release.

So... Do I need to buy the Gold Edition (currently $89)? If I just buy the standard edition (currently $49) will I get to a wall of expansion content that I won't have access to?

I'd say to wait. It goes on sale pretty often (especially with Div2 getting announced today), and it's one of those games where enough stuff has come out that you're better off getting the whole package.

Finally, it seems like I should probably lean towards getting it on Xbox One if I want to play with some of y'all rather than on PS4, huh?

Yeh, the playerbase seems to favor the Xbox, I'd definitely pick it up there.


Which version do I buy though?

by Speedracer513 @, Dallas, Texas, Thursday, March 08, 2018, 13:00 (2544 days ago) @ Korny

Finally, it seems like I should probably lean towards getting it on Xbox One if I want to play with some of y'all rather than on PS4, huh?

Yeh, the playerbase seems to favor the Xbox, I'd definitely pick it up there.

You wanna pick it up too (next time it goes on sale) and be kinder-agents together?


Maybe, need an external for the Xbone, though...

by Korny @, Dalton, Ga. US. Earth, Sol System, Thursday, March 08, 2018, 13:04 (2544 days ago) @ Speedracer513

- No text -


Which version do I buy though?

by cheapLEY @, Thursday, March 08, 2018, 14:35 (2544 days ago) @ Speedracer513

Finally, it seems like I should probably lean towards getting it on Xbox One if I want to play with some of y'all rather than on PS4, huh?

Yeh, the playerbase seems to favor the Xbox, I'd definitely pick it up there.

You wanna pick it up too (next time it goes on sale) and be kinder-agents together?

If we're waiting for a decent sale, I'll buy it and jump in with you when that happens.


Which version do I buy though?

by Speedracer513 @, Dallas, Texas, Thursday, March 08, 2018, 16:23 (2544 days ago) @ cheapLEY

Finally, it seems like I should probably lean towards getting it on Xbox One if I want to play with some of y'all rather than on PS4, huh?

Yeh, the playerbase seems to favor the Xbox, I'd definitely pick it up there.

You wanna pick it up too (next time it goes on sale) and be kinder-agents together?

If we're waiting for a decent sale, I'll buy it and jump in with you when that happens.



the deluxe version was $30 a month ago

by Kermit @, Raleigh, NC, Thursday, March 08, 2018, 17:03 (2544 days ago) @ cheapLEY

- No text -


That doesn't help me now . . .

by cheapLEY @, Thursday, March 08, 2018, 17:11 (2544 days ago) @ Kermit

I remember the thread pointing it out, I just didn't care at the time. I didn't like the beta at all.

Cruel's post and everyone else's excitement about the game makes me care (not enough to drop $50 right now, though--I signed up for EA Access to play Titanfall 2, Battlefield 1, and Mirror's Edge Catalyst), but if it ever gets cheap again I'll definitely pick it up.


That doesn't help me now . . .

by Korny @, Dalton, Ga. US. Earth, Sol System, Thursday, March 08, 2018, 17:50 (2544 days ago) @ cheapLEY

I remember the thread pointing it out, I just didn't care at the time. I didn't like the beta at all.

Cruel's post and everyone else's excitement about the game makes me care (not enough to drop $50 right now, though--I signed up for EA Access to play Titanfall 2, Battlefield 1, and Mirror's Edge Catalyst), but if it ever gets cheap again I'll definitely pick it up.

So Titanfall 2 night when?


That doesn't help me now . . .

by cheapLEY @, Thursday, March 08, 2018, 18:00 (2544 days ago) @ Korny

I remember the thread pointing it out, I just didn't care at the time. I didn't like the beta at all.

Cruel's post and everyone else's excitement about the game makes me care (not enough to drop $50 right now, though--I signed up for EA Access to play Titanfall 2, Battlefield 1, and Mirror's Edge Catalyst), but if it ever gets cheap again I'll definitely pick it up.

So Titanfall 2 night when?

Whenever. I really got it to play through the campaign, but I'll do some matches if we get a group together.


That doesn't help me now . . .

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Friday, March 09, 2018, 06:33 (2543 days ago) @ cheapLEY

I remember the thread pointing it out, I just didn't care at the time. I didn't like the beta at all.

Cruel's post and everyone else's excitement about the game makes me care (not enough to drop $50 right now, though--I signed up for EA Access to play Titanfall 2, Battlefield 1, and Mirror's Edge Catalyst), but if it ever gets cheap again I'll definitely pick it up.

So Titanfall 2 night when?

Whenever. I really got it to play through the campaign, but I'll do some matches if we get a group together.

Count me in!


Titanfall 2.

by cheapLEY @, Sunday, March 11, 2018, 19:11 (2541 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

I just have to say . . .

Damn, this game feels good. Really good. The guns are all satisfying, the movement is incredible. I thought Destiny was the pinnacle of good feeling first person shooters, but, honestly, Titanfall 2 might be better.


Titanfall 2.

by Korny @, Dalton, Ga. US. Earth, Sol System, Sunday, March 11, 2018, 22:08 (2540 days ago) @ cheapLEY

I just have to say . . .

Damn, this game feels good. Really good. The guns are all satisfying, the movement is incredible. I thought Destiny was the pinnacle of good feeling first person shooters, but, honestly, Titanfall 2 might be better.

Considering how stiff D2 feels when you go to it straight from Titanfall , it’s no question. Especially landing into or jumping out of a slide.


Titanfall 2.

by cheapLEY @, Sunday, March 11, 2018, 22:49 (2540 days ago) @ Korny

I think that’s probably the real difference. Titanfall has a sense of momentum that Destiny doesn’t. It moves seamlessly between the different states of movement, whereas in Destiny you can feel where those transitions are. Destiny is obviously still far above average, but now I long for a Destiny with the speed and momentum of Titanfall.


Titanfall 2 - Have you tried using the grappling hook yet?

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Tuesday, March 13, 2018, 00:54 (2539 days ago) @ cheapLEY

Titanfall 2 feels incredible, but when you get the grappling hook involved... it just takes the game up another couple of levels beyond anything else out there. You could take out 90% of the mechanics in the game, and the grappling hook alone would still provide more depth, flexibility, and room for mastery than most entire games.

There doesn’t seem to be much to it at first, but as you become familiar with the way the hook applies tension and momentum to your movements, the possibilities open up.

Check this out:

Now, those are some crazy-advanced moves he’s demonstrating. Very few players ever learn to pull them off that well. But with some practice, you can get to the point where you build some impressive speed.

It gives a pilot a fighting chance in a 1v1 duel against a Titan:

You can use it to slingshot around Titans, like this:

It also completely changes the dynamics verticality in a shooter:

Basically, it’s just plain awesome :D


Here’s another one to watch

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Tuesday, March 13, 2018, 08:23 (2539 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

Plenty of grappling hook hijynx in this one. I also included a few longer clips of gameplay that show how epic the game can be over long stretches, not just tiny little bursts like most games.


Here’s another one to watch

by cheapLEY @, Tuesday, March 13, 2018, 09:34 (2539 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

I haven’t used it yet. I’ve actually not played it very much at all, and I haven’t touched the multiplayer. I’ll get to it though!

Stupid me decided to play Mass Effect 2 again, and now I can’t put it down, and I can easily see myself rolling into ME3 too.

Nothing like spending $500 on a console and using it to play a decade old game . . .


Here’s another one to watch

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Thursday, March 15, 2018, 13:21 (2537 days ago) @ cheapLEY

Nothing like spending $500 on a console and using it to play a decade old game . . .

Heh, at least you're using the darn thing!

I bought a PS4 Pro and a Switch just after christmas, and I haven't used either of them since new years, other than a few games of Mario Kart with my daughter from time to time.


Here’s another one to watch

by cheapLEY @, Thursday, March 15, 2018, 13:30 (2537 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

Nothing like spending $500 on a console and using it to play a decade old game . . .

Heh, at least you're using the darn thing!

I bought a PS4 Pro and a Switch just after christmas, and I haven't used either of them since new years, other than a few games of Mario Kart with my daughter from time to time.

That's the thing. I haven't touched anything but my One X since I bought it. I have a Pro and a Switch as well. The Switch hasn't been used in ages, but I genuinely like the device enough to not just sell it, which I honestly thought about doing. I don't travel much, but the Switch has been nice to have for those rare occasions that I have. Hopefully we'll get another Zelda game on it before Nintendo puts out a new system.

Having a PS4 and an Xbox is sort of dumb in the long run, but I've already spent the money now, and it's nice to know I've got my bases covered for exclusives. That's really sort of why I got a One X--I was itching for a good racing game (Forza!), which PS4 lacks, and rumors of a new Fable and the inevitable Halo 6, I knew I was going to end up with one sooner or later anyway. It doesn't make much logical sense to have both, but it feels right, despite that fact that I haven't even turned the PS4 on in weeks.

The biggest pain now is going to be deciding which platform to get games on. I might have to forego getting things at launch and wait for Digital Foundry to do their thing to see which version is better.

And also, Mass Effect 2 is seriously good. Like, I forgot how good.


Here’s another one to watch

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Thursday, March 15, 2018, 13:43 (2537 days ago) @ cheapLEY

Nothing like spending $500 on a console and using it to play a decade old game . . .

Heh, at least you're using the darn thing!

I bought a PS4 Pro and a Switch just after christmas, and I haven't used either of them since new years, other than a few games of Mario Kart with my daughter from time to time.

That's the thing. I haven't touched anything but my One X since I bought it. I have a Pro and a Switch as well. The Switch hasn't been used in ages, but I genuinely like the device enough to not just sell it, which I honestly thought about doing. I don't travel much, but the Switch has been nice to have for those rare occasions that I have. Hopefully we'll get another Zelda game on it before Nintendo puts out a new system.

I kinda like the Switch too, but I really should just know better than to buy Nintendo consoles at this point. I haven't liked a Nintendo game in decades. But I bought into all the Zelda hype, played it for a few hours, and thoroughly dislike it. I mean, it's beautiful, but there's just nothing about the act of playing it that I enjoy. I was tempted to try Mario, but I know it'll just be the same. I do enjoy playing Mario Kart with my daughter, but I think that's more because I'm having fun playing a game with her, and less because of the game.

Having a PS4 and an Xbox is sort of dumb in the long run, but I've already spent the money now, and it's nice to know I've got my bases covered for exclusives. That's really sort of why I got a One X--I was itching for a good racing game (Forza!), which PS4 lacks, and rumors of a new Fable and the inevitable Halo 6, I knew I was going to end up with one sooner or later anyway. It doesn't make much logical sense to have both, but it feels right, despite that fact that I haven't even turned the PS4 on in weeks.

Since getting my OneX in late october, it's been my default go to. Games look and run a little better on it... not a huge difference, but enough of one that, well, why wouldn't I play games on it, given that I have the option, y'know? The PS4 Pro closed the gap a bit, but my impression is that Destiny 2 does still seem to look a bit better and run a little smoother on the One X (I haven't seen a single frame rate hiccup on the One X).

PS4 seems to have more exclusives that I care about in general, but none that are coming out right now. So I spend most of my game time lately bouncing between AC Origins, The Division, Titanfall 2, Star Wars Battlefront, and Deep Rock Galactic, all one the Xbox One X.

The biggest pain now is going to be deciding which platform to get games on. I might have to forego getting things at launch and wait for Digital Foundry to do their thing to see which version is better.

Yeah, not a bad plan.

And also, Mass Effect 2 is seriously good. Like, I forgot how good.

Like, SO GOOD. I get goosebumps thinking about it :D


Here’s another one to watch

by cheapLEY @, Thursday, March 15, 2018, 14:15 (2537 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

I kinda like the Switch too, but I really should just know better than to buy Nintendo consoles at this point. I haven't liked a Nintendo game in decades. But I bought into all the Zelda hype, played it for a few hours, and thoroughly dislike it. I mean, it's beautiful, but there's just nothing about the act of playing it that I enjoy. I was tempted to try Mario, but I know it'll just be the same. I do enjoy playing Mario Kart with my daughter, but I think that's more because I'm having fun playing a game with her, and less because of the game.

That's honestly sort of where I'm at. I liked Zelda (still haven't finished it though), and think it's legitimately a great game, I just don't like it as much as everyone else. I love the Switch as a device, just not sure how much use it's going to get. My issue with its lack of a d-pad have been noted, so it's out for a lot of indie games, which is a shame, because I'd love to use it for that. It'd honestly make more sense for me to just sell it at this point, but I'm probably not going to.

Mario is weird. I love it, but it's designed pretty annoyingly. It's a legitimately good, challenging platformer, but the actual challenging platforming segments are hidden in the post game behind huge moon counts. You essentially have to play the game for 20 hours to open up the actual platforming bits. And those are legitimately great, but they shouldn't be hidden at the end of the game. I liked the game in general, but it is much more an exploration game rather than a platforming one for the first 20 hours, as you unlock all the worlds.

Since getting my OneX in late october, it's been my default go to. Games look and run a little better on it... not a huge difference, but enough of one that, well, why wouldn't I play games on it, given that I have the option, y'know? The PS4 Pro closed the gap a bit, but my impression is that Destiny 2 does still seem to look a bit better and run a little smoother on the One X (I haven't seen a single frame rate hiccup on the One X).

Monster Hunter World is a standout for me that runs better on a Pro. They just didn't put in the work to optimize on the One X, it seems like. I damn near bought AC Origins again on One X before I came to my senses and realized how absolutely stupid that is. I probably am going to rebuy the Blood and Wine expansion for The Witcher 3 for One X, though. Still no HDR on PS4 Pro for that game.

I'm sure I'll end up with Destiny 2 on One X at some point, too.

PS4 seems to have more exclusives that I care about in general, but none that are coming out right now. So I spend most of my game time lately bouncing between AC Origins, The Division, Titanfall 2, Star Wars Battlefront, and Deep Rock Galactic, all one the Xbox One X.

I played like 4 hours of the trial of The Division. I still have mixed feelings on it. The gunplay just doesn't quite feel right. I really like the game in general, I just don't think the weapons feel all that fun or exciting to use. I'll definitely buy it if goes on sale again like last month.

And also, Mass Effect 2 is seriously good. Like, I forgot how good.

Like, SO GOOD. I get goosebumps thinking about it :D

I'm getting ready to go through the Omega-4 relay. I forgot how much of the game is still left after that point. For some reason I had it in my head that that's sort of the midpoint of the game, but it's definitely not. I'm pretty sure that I'm going to roll straight into Mass Effect 3 when I'm done.


Here’s another one to watch

by cheapLEY @, Thursday, March 15, 2018, 15:22 (2537 days ago) @ cheapLEY

I'm getting ready to go through the Omega-4 relay. I forgot how much of the game is still left after that point. For some reason I had it in my head that that's sort of the midpoint of the game, but it's definitely not. I'm pretty sure that I'm going to roll straight into Mass Effect 3 when I'm done.

Man, I was confused. I'm not going through the Omega relay, I'm doing the first mission where you encounter the Collectors. That's what I thought was the midpoint, but there's still a bunch of party members to recruit.


That doesn't help me now . . .

by Kermit @, Raleigh, NC, Friday, March 09, 2018, 07:11 (2543 days ago) @ cheapLEY

I remember the thread pointing it out, I just didn't care at the time. I didn't like the beta at all.

I didn't love the beta either, and when I first played it at PAX I found it lacking. (It remains one of the only demos I've played where they assigned a rep to stand behind every few players and coach you about what to do).

I really like it now.

I posted a price to give you all waiting for a sale a point of reference.


That doesn't help me now . . .

by cheapLEY @, Friday, March 09, 2018, 09:35 (2543 days ago) @ Kermit

I remember the thread pointing it out, I just didn't care at the time. I didn't like the beta at all.

I didn't love the beta either, and when I first played it at PAX I found it lacking. (It remains one of the only demos I've played where they assigned a rep to stand behind every few players and coach you about what to do).

I really like it now.

I posted a price to give you all waiting for a sale a point of reference.

I’ll have to look into the expansions I would need to get everything and what that would cost. I can get the base game for $11 at my local GameStop. You happen to know how many expansions there are that I would need?


That doesn't help me now . . .

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Friday, March 09, 2018, 09:51 (2543 days ago) @ cheapLEY

I remember the thread pointing it out, I just didn't care at the time. I didn't like the beta at all.

I didn't love the beta either, and when I first played it at PAX I found it lacking. (It remains one of the only demos I've played where they assigned a rep to stand behind every few players and coach you about what to do).

I really like it now.

I posted a price to give you all waiting for a sale a point of reference.

I’ll have to look into the expansions I would need to get everything and what that would cost. I can get the base game for $11 at my local GameStop. You happen to know how many expansions there are that I would need?

I think there are 2, but I could be wrong about that.


Which version do I buy though?

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Thursday, March 08, 2018, 13:02 (2544 days ago) @ Speedracer513

I've been seriously thinking about getting into the Division for the past couple months now. I really enjoyed what I played of the beta - but haven't played any since then. But I've watched some here and there on Twitch and have been hearing nothing but good things about how it has evolved since release.

So... Do I need to buy the Gold Edition (currently $89)? If I just buy the standard edition (currently $49) will I get to a wall of expansion content that I won't have access to?

Finally, it seems like I should probably lean towards getting it on Xbox One if I want to play with some of y'all rather than on PS4, huh?

I don’t know exactly how it breaks down, but I believe a great deal of the current end game stuff is locked behind the expansions. The Underground, certainly. Possible a few of the Incursions too.

I do have the game on both consoles, but I only have the expansions on Xbox, so I’ll probably be sticking with that platform unless a bunch of people on PS4 suddenly start playing.


Love The Division...and Don't Forget About Global Events!

by MacGyver10 ⌂, Tennessee, Thursday, March 08, 2018, 15:35 (2544 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

So I picked up The Division during the Black Friday sale on Xbox last year and have played just about nothing else since then. I had also picked up AC: Origins and have unfortunately ignored it since getting sucked into The Division! We definitely need to play some together soon, maybe this weekend for the Global Event?

Speaking of that, one of my favorite aspects of The Division you didn't touch on are these Global Events that are now happening every weekend during the month of March in celebration of The Division's anniversary. Usually, Global Events are a week long 'world modifier' that affects the way you play in every mode. It's only for the World Tier 5 folks, but this past weekend for example, the Global Event 'Outbreak' had modifiers that drained your health if you were within a certain distance of an enemy, or would instakill an enemy if you headshot them withing 2-3 seconds of a teammate's headshot on the same enemy!

Those modifiers completely change up the way you play, and that's just ONE of the types of Global Events they have. You also get the change to play for Classified Gear which are stronger sets than the regular Gear sets, but that's another story. They've had quite a few different GE's so far though, and alongside announcing The Division 2 today, they also announced a couple of new Global Events are coming.

Definitely hit me up if anyone wants to play. I have an end-game character, but also have 2 open slots to start a new character if anyone jumps in at this point!

- MacGyver10


Revisiting the Division

by cheapLEY @, Thursday, March 08, 2018, 19:43 (2544 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

World Tiers and Difficulty Levels

The Division has a "power level" system, similar to Destiny's "Light Level". You're given a rating that reflects your overall gear strength, and driving that number higher and higher is one of the core goals of the end game. When replaying missions, you have the option to select from several "Difficulty Levels". These levels will make the enemies you face progressively stronger and more deadly (think of taking red-bar enemies and turning them into yellow-bar enemies, in Destiny terms). Completing missions on higher difficulty levels will yield better gear drops as you'd expect.

As you complete the main campaign and side quests, you will eventually reach a power level sufficiently high enough to trivialize most of the enemies that you'll come across in the open world. Even replaying missions on the harder difficulty levels will become trivial, because you so drastically outclass the enemies in terms of power level. Related to that, you'll have outgrown the gear that drops from replaying missions, because it will all be below your current level. So Ubisoft added "World Tiers" to the game. Basically, once you reach a high enough power level, you can choose to jump up to the next World Tier, which raises the power level of all the enemies, as well as the power level of all gear drops. There are a total of 5 World Tiers to choose from. When selecting a World Tier, the appropriate power level is displayed right next to it in the UI, so you can easily gauge if you're ready, gear-wise, for a given Tier. Plus, you can go back down to a lower tier whenever you want (while also retaining the ability to select the difficulty level of a given mission within any world tier). The gear drops you get from any activity will always be appropriate to the suggested power level of the World Tier you are currently in. This way, every activity in the game can constantly yield loot drops that are useful to the player, even as you reach maximum power level.

So all together, this system lets the player choose the difficulty and reward levels that they want to experience at any time, without narrowing down the choice of activity. You can do an "easy" version of a raid by jumping down to a lower World Tier, or you can make the very first story mission a white-knuckled experience that rewards end-game loot. Whatever you want.

Reminds me a lot of Diablo III and it's Torment difficulties. The game just keeps scaling up through Torment 13. The higher the level, the better the loot. I made a post a long time ago that Destiny should adopt a similar system and really embrace its loot cycle, or it should drop it entirely rather than staying in the weird middle ground it is now. That's maybe more difficult to do and make feel good in a shooter than in a Diablo styled game (as evidenced by The Division and so many folks complaining about bullet sponges), so maybe it's not worth chasing, but I certainly enjoyed the way Diablo III handles it's difficulty and loot.


Revisiting the Division

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Friday, March 09, 2018, 06:32 (2543 days ago) @ cheapLEY

World Tiers and Difficulty Levels

The Division has a "power level" system, similar to Destiny's "Light Level". You're given a rating that reflects your overall gear strength, and driving that number higher and higher is one of the core goals of the end game. When replaying missions, you have the option to select from several "Difficulty Levels". These levels will make the enemies you face progressively stronger and more deadly (think of taking red-bar enemies and turning them into yellow-bar enemies, in Destiny terms). Completing missions on higher difficulty levels will yield better gear drops as you'd expect.

As you complete the main campaign and side quests, you will eventually reach a power level sufficiently high enough to trivialize most of the enemies that you'll come across in the open world. Even replaying missions on the harder difficulty levels will become trivial, because you so drastically outclass the enemies in terms of power level. Related to that, you'll have outgrown the gear that drops from replaying missions, because it will all be below your current level. So Ubisoft added "World Tiers" to the game. Basically, once you reach a high enough power level, you can choose to jump up to the next World Tier, which raises the power level of all the enemies, as well as the power level of all gear drops. There are a total of 5 World Tiers to choose from. When selecting a World Tier, the appropriate power level is displayed right next to it in the UI, so you can easily gauge if you're ready, gear-wise, for a given Tier. Plus, you can go back down to a lower tier whenever you want (while also retaining the ability to select the difficulty level of a given mission within any world tier). The gear drops you get from any activity will always be appropriate to the suggested power level of the World Tier you are currently in. This way, every activity in the game can constantly yield loot drops that are useful to the player, even as you reach maximum power level.

So all together, this system lets the player choose the difficulty and reward levels that they want to experience at any time, without narrowing down the choice of activity. You can do an "easy" version of a raid by jumping down to a lower World Tier, or you can make the very first story mission a white-knuckled experience that rewards end-game loot. Whatever you want.

Reminds me a lot of Diablo III and it's Torment difficulties. The game just keeps scaling up through Torment 13. The higher the level, the better the loot. I made a post a long time ago that Destiny should adopt a similar system and really embrace its loot cycle, or it should drop it entirely rather than staying in the weird middle ground it is now. That's maybe more difficult to do and make feel good in a shooter than in a Diablo styled game (as evidenced by The Division and so many folks complaining about bullet sponges), so maybe it's not worth chasing, but I certainly enjoyed the way Diablo III handles it's difficulty and loot.

The bullet-sponge issue isn’t really a problem in The Division, other than the fact that it’s immersion breaking to pump 5 clips of an AR into a dude wearing a denim jacket. But mechanically, it feels great. And to your point, I think a similar system would do wonders for Destiny. All those Adventures and side quests that don’t seem worth doing once you level up high enough...? Just jump up to the next world tier and BAM... enemies are stronger, and they drop loot at your current level.


Revisiting the Division

by cheapLEY @, Saturday, March 10, 2018, 23:10 (2541 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

I downloaded the trial. Looks like I’ve got six hours to play it before I have to pony up any money. Seems neat after thirty minutes. Looks gorgeous. But then my EA access trial of Burnout Paradise Renastered finished downloading. It’s as bad as I remember it being, so I I can safely delete it and go back to hating it for ruining Burnout.


Division 2 will be shown at E3

by Schedonnardus, Texas, Monday, March 12, 2018, 06:53 (2540 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

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