
counterpoint (Gaming)
Yes. But you are making the argument originally from the point of the “art” and identifying inclusively forms of content. Especially in reference to other art (movies have Director’s Cuts and Special Editions; Albums have varied international releases or alternate versions of songs/cuts based on format [vinyl v. CD]; books have different edits based on release date/format/publisher, etc.) that somehow video games are uniquely experienced while other forms are uniformly experienced which is entirely untrue.
I don’t agree that you can have it both ways because that is how it suits you. A fair judgement requires consideration and often many parts of the end package are not inherently part of the core experience or artistic expression. So unless you can identify a rational clear line, I think you are just being arbitrary so long as it supports your point.
tl;dr - no artistic experience is the same across receivers of said art. Video games aren’t special in that regard.
Complete thread:
- Free vs Freemium vs Upfront games -
2018-03-05, 09:32
- Free vs Freemium vs Upfront games -
2018-03-05, 11:03
- Free vs Freemium vs Upfront games - ManKitten, 2018-03-05, 11:23
- Free vs Freemium vs Upfront games -
2018-03-05, 11:18
- Free vs Freemium vs Upfront games -
2018-03-05, 11:39
- Free vs Freemium vs Upfront games - Cody Miller, 2018-03-06, 00:02
- Free vs Freemium vs Upfront games -
2018-03-05, 11:42
- Free vs Freemium vs Upfront games - ManKitten, 2018-03-05, 11:51
- Free vs Freemium vs Upfront games -
2018-03-05, 13:22
- Free vs Freemium vs Upfront games - Korny, 2018-03-05, 15:10
- Free vs Freemium vs Upfront games -
Cody Miller,
2018-03-05, 15:06
- Free vs Freemium vs Upfront games -
2018-03-05, 15:35
- Free vs Freemium vs Upfront games -
Cody Miller,
2018-03-05, 18:18
- Free vs Freemium vs Upfront games -
2018-03-05, 18:29
- Free vs Freemium vs Upfront games -
Cody Miller,
2018-03-05, 18:51
- Free vs Freemium vs Upfront games -
2018-03-05, 19:01
- Free vs Freemium vs Upfront games -
Cody Miller,
2018-03-05, 19:04
- Free vs Freemium vs Upfront games -
2018-03-05, 19:09
- Free vs Freemium vs Upfront games -
Cody Miller,
2018-03-05, 20:56
- counterpoint -
2018-03-07, 11:24
- counterpoint -
Cody Miller,
2018-03-07, 12:46
- counterpoint -
2018-03-07, 14:45
- counterpoint -
Cody Miller,
2018-03-07, 15:22
- counterpoint -
2018-03-07, 15:50
- counterpoint -
Cody Miller,
2018-03-07, 17:31
- counterpoint - Harmanimus, 2018-03-08, 08:55
- counterpoint -
Cody Miller,
2018-03-07, 17:31
- counterpoint -
2018-03-07, 15:50
- counterpoint -
Cody Miller,
2018-03-07, 15:22
- counterpoint -
2018-03-07, 14:45
- counterpoint - Ragashingo, 2018-03-07, 13:08
- counterpoint -
Cody Miller,
2018-03-07, 12:46
- counterpoint -
2018-03-07, 11:24
- Free vs Freemium vs Upfront games -
Cody Miller,
2018-03-05, 20:56
- Free vs Freemium vs Upfront games -
2018-03-05, 19:09
- Free vs Freemium vs Upfront games -
Cody Miller,
2018-03-05, 19:04
- Free vs Freemium vs Upfront games -
2018-03-05, 19:44
- Free vs Freemium vs Upfront games -
Cody Miller,
2018-03-05, 20:57
- Free vs Freemium vs Upfront games - Claude Errera, 2018-03-06, 10:34
- Free vs Freemium vs Upfront games -
Cody Miller,
2018-03-05, 20:57
- Free vs Freemium vs Upfront games -
2018-03-05, 19:01
- Free vs Freemium vs Upfront games -
Cody Miller,
2018-03-05, 18:51
- Free vs Freemium vs Upfront games -
2018-03-05, 18:55
- Free vs Freemium vs Upfront games -
2018-03-05, 20:12
- The Game or The Gameplay? - MacGyver10, 2018-03-06, 07:46
- Free vs Freemium vs Upfront games -
2018-03-06, 08:03
- Free vs Freemium vs Upfront games -
2018-03-06, 10:58
- Free vs Freemium vs Upfront games - Korny, 2018-03-06, 11:16
- Free vs Freemium vs Upfront games -
2018-03-06, 10:58
- Free vs Freemium vs Upfront games -
2018-03-05, 20:12
- Free vs Freemium vs Upfront games -
2018-03-05, 18:29
- Free vs Freemium vs Upfront games -
Cody Miller,
2018-03-05, 18:18
- Free vs Freemium vs Upfront games - kidtsunami, 2018-03-05, 18:07
- Free vs Freemium vs Upfront games -
2018-03-05, 15:35
- Free vs Freemium vs Upfront games -
2018-03-05, 11:39
- It's pretty easy -
Cody Miller,
2018-03-05, 13:23
- It's pretty easy -
2018-03-05, 13:42
- It's pretty easy -
Cody Miller,
2018-03-05, 15:07
- It's pretty easy -
2018-03-05, 15:45
- Did you just jinx Sea of Thieves?
- ZackDark, 2018-03-07, 13:54
- Did you just jinx Sea of Thieves?
- It's pretty easy -
2018-03-05, 15:45
- Technically... -
2018-03-07, 12:04
- Technically... -
Cody Miller,
2018-03-07, 12:48
- Technically... -
Claude Errera,
2018-03-07, 13:03
- Technically... -
Cody Miller,
2018-03-07, 13:06
- Technically... -
Claude Errera,
2018-03-07, 13:09
- Technically... -
Cody Miller,
2018-03-07, 13:13
- Technically... -
Claude Errera,
2018-03-07, 13:24
- Technically... -
Cody Miller,
2018-03-07, 13:32
- I’d buy that for a dollar.
- Harmanimus, 2018-03-07, 14:55
- I’d buy that for a dollar.
- Technically... -
2018-03-07, 16:09
- Technically... - Cody Miller, 2018-03-07, 17:36
- Technically... -
Cody Miller,
2018-03-07, 13:32
- Technically... -
Claude Errera,
2018-03-07, 13:24
- Technically... -
Cody Miller,
2018-03-07, 13:13
- Technically... -
Claude Errera,
2018-03-07, 13:09
- Technically... -
Cody Miller,
2018-03-07, 13:06
- Technically... -
Claude Errera,
2018-03-07, 13:03
- Technically... -
Cody Miller,
2018-03-07, 12:48
- It's pretty easy -
Cody Miller,
2018-03-05, 15:07
- It's pretty easy -
2018-03-05, 13:42
- Free vs Freemium vs Upfront games - Kahzgul, 2018-03-08, 18:25
- Free vs Freemium vs Upfront games -
2018-03-05, 11:03