
4K stuff. (Off-Topic)

by cheapLEY @, Sunday, January 14, 2018, 19:53 (2448 days ago)

I’ve been converted.

I had a 4K TV (a TCL 55P605) sort of fall into my lap. I got it for dirt cheap from a buddy that was upgrading. After using it for a week, I bit the bullet and traded in my PS4 for a PS4 Pro over the weekend. It’s difficult to separate 4K from HDR, but man, games look incredible on this thing. Everything is so crisp and clear. Destiny 2 looks great, Horizon Zero Dawn is a real standout obviously, and Assassin’s Creed Origins genuinely surprised me by how good it looks.

For those maybe looking at TVs for cheap, this TCL set is great. It’s rated as the best budget 4K HDR TV on the market. Best Buy is selling them for $600, and it looks comparable to much more expensive sets. It’s a Roku TV, which is good and bad. The Roku UI is sort of ugly, but it’s much snappier than any other smart tv UI I’ve ever used.

I still don’t know that I’d say upgrading is necessary, but it is a more noticeable improvement than I previously judged from quick sessions at a buddy’s place.

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