
How to get a free Macbook Pro (Off-Topic)

by stabbim @, Des Moines, IA, USA, Friday, December 29, 2017, 22:13 (2370 days ago) @ cheapLEY

The reason they state makes a certain amount of sense. You just have to believe it's not complete bullshit, which I'm not actually convinced is true.

OK, no. I'm calling bullshit on this "maybe bullshit" call. It is ABSOLUTELY true that old worn down batteries can cut out under load. I've had more than 1 phone which has exhibited this exact behavior when the battery starts to go bad. As in, around the time that I start to notice it's not holding a charge as long as it should, it ALSO starts powering off unexpectedly, and it's usually when it's doing something somewhat intense.

Planned obsolescence is ridiculous, and in this day and age of environmental concerns, it should be a punishable offense.

That's not what's going on.

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