Two thoughts for empty messages

by Claude Errera @, Sunday, February 17, 2013, 15:41 (4406 days ago) @ scarab

  • Don't even try to open the msg when link is clicked on - use a different url to go direct to a special reply editing page
  • Don't use visited/unvisited colors as visiting an empty msg would be an invalid concept


Don't even try to open the msg

  • empty msg reply page would not need quote message 'button'.
  • The text at the top of the page could read: Post reply to the empty message by User Name
  • there would be no need for the msg preview bubble
  • all these changes suggest 2 reply pages: one for full msgs and one for empty

Don't use visited/unvisited colors
this would save space in cookies (or wherever the visited msgs info is held)

These are all really cool ideas - but somewhat beyond the scope of management at the moment. This is an off-the-shelf forum; so far, I'm just turning on/turning off options, and tweaking settings. What you're asking for is actual recoding. That's not going to happen any time soon, unless someone steps up and offers to do the work. (Nobody has, so far.)

On the plus side, the source code is available, so if a programmer DOES step forward, it should be relatively straightforward to get to work. :)

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