
Life Is Strange: Before The Storm Episode 2 *Spoilers* (Gaming)

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Sunday, December 03, 2017, 22:42 (2646 days ago)

Overall, I think this was a worse chapter than Episode 1. The play was the highlight, but the rest didn’t seem to flow all that well... So, from the top, let’s discuss some of the scenes:

Principle’s Office - I actually liked this one. Rachel putting on the act and Chloe having the chance to go along with her or protect her and her palce in the play was good. Eventually I went full Backtalk mode on Princpile Wells to save Rachel but I wonder how much less punishment I could have gotten in if I’d played nice. My guess is Chloe still gets suspended, but only temporarily?

Parking Lot - Elliot just seems so unnecessary to me. Max and Warren were a good fit if you wanted them to be. Elliot... I don’t know, his perfect grades and clean look just don’t seem to match Chloe at all. Maybe I would have accepted him more if there’d been even the slightest reference to him in the original game...

Also, I totally called Chloe closing the car door and storming off, I was a bit surprised that she just nudged it closed instead of slamming it, though.

Junkyard - Truck minigame - I wonder if I could have decorated the truck differently. I did pirate flag, green light, plain mat, but I found a rainbow beach towel, and a Welcome mat in other areas of the junkyard. Can you choose differently? Um... also... I was pretty disappointed that Chloe sticks an entire car battery into her back pocket instead of carrying it! Yeah, sometime Max would pick up things too, but at least there was still some suspension of disbelief. But an entire car battery? REALLY? Should have made it spark plugs.

Junkyard Dream I didn’t inspect Chloe’s dad before roasting the marshmallow. Oops. Also, the Raven pecking at his burnt face was super creepy!

Frank’s RV There was a radio report about the forest fire acting very strangely. Was that Rachel’s influence? Or is Arcadia Bay just a strange, slightly mystical place all on its own?

The Dorms - Did I miss something? The dorm you eventually get into is the same one that was the girls’ wing a semester or two later when Max comes back. They were still pouring concrete on the walkway, was the new boys dorm said not to be quite finished yet or something? Also, I failed the Talkback challenge with Skip. Anyone know if he quits if you are successful? Also, they totally didn’t do a good enough job replacing Samuel’s creepy voice actor.

Inside, I gave Dameon the money. I was afraid he’d hurt Drew badly enough to ruin his chances at football. Maybe they can’t help their dad at the moment, but a badly hurt Drew would lose out on a lot of future money was my thinking.

The Tempest - Apparently I missed out on trying to keep Nathan Prescott’s admirer away from him... that’s a big oops on my part... but at least I saved Rachel from Victoria. The play itself was pretty good. In cases like this I always write down the lines I’m supposed to memorize. Cheat. To. Win. And all that. Unfortunately, I didn’t write down the blocking. I think I screwed up a little in the middle but finished strong and everyone loved Rachel and Chloe’s big scene.

Dinner I totally didn’t explore or talk a lot before dinner. Was trying to get out of there as smoothly as possible. Didn’t work in the end, of course... I had a slight guess that maybe Sera was Rachel’s mother earlier on. I wonder how that will change things... I did like the focus on the candles as Rachel boils over.

In the end, while the play was fun... I liked the first episode and the questions game on the train much better. That felt more natural and there was less pressure to get things right. The ending of Episdoe 2 leaves me thinking Rachel will rethink running away... she kinda has to end up with Frank before being killed Mark Jefferson. I’m a little afraid one final episode isn’t enough to pull that off, but we’ll see I guess.

I am looking forward to the bonus chapter... Having the real Chloe and Max back will be fun. Anyway, I need to play through this again to try out other possiblities and explore more. Will report back when I’ve done that.


Life Is Strange: Before The Storm Episode 2 *Spoilers*

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Monday, December 04, 2017, 09:24 (2646 days ago) @ Ragashingo

Overall, I think this was a worse chapter than Episode 1

No way man :-p

Principle’s Office - I actually liked this one. Rachel putting on the act and Chloe having the chance to go along with her or protect her and her palce in the play was good. Eventually I went full Backtalk mode on Princpile Wells to save Rachel but I wonder how much less punishment I could have gotten in if I’d played nice. My guess is Chloe still gets suspended, but only temporarily?

Chloe does not have to be suspended actually. You can get out of it and remain at Blackwell.

Parking Lot - Elliot just seems so unnecessary to me. Max and Warren were a good fit if you wanted them to be. Elliot... I don’t know, his perfect grades and clean look just don’t seem to match Chloe at all. Maybe I would have accepted him more if there’d been even the slightest reference to him in the original game...

I think the implication is that Chloe was hooking up with Elliot. She says so in her journals. It seems to me he looks an awful lot like William, so I am guessing it's one of those things where he reminds her of her dad, and that's why it seemingly doesn't make sense.

Junkyard Dream I didn’t inspect Chloe’s dad before roasting the marshmallow. Oops. Also, the Raven pecking at his burnt face was super creepy!

Did you open the journal and text messages?

Frank’s RV There was a radio report about the forest fire acting very strangely. Was that Rachel’s influence? Or is Arcadia Bay just a strange, slightly mystical place all on its own?

It's called symbolism and metaphor.

The Dorms - Did I miss something? The dorm you eventually get into is the same one that was the girls’ wing a semester or two later when Max comes back. They were still pouring concrete on the walkway, was the new boys dorm said not to be quite finished yet or something? Also, I failed the Talkback challenge with Skip. Anyone know if he quits if you are successful? Also, they totally didn’t do a good enough job replacing Samuel’s creepy voice actor.

Skip gets fired, yes.

Inside, I gave Dameon the money. I was afraid he’d hurt Drew badly enough to ruin his chances at football. Maybe they can’t help their dad at the moment, but a badly hurt Drew would lose out on a lot of future money was my thinking.

I stayed put, and didn't give the money back. Hardest decision in both of the games so far.

The Tempest - Apparently I missed out on trying to keep Nathan Prescott’s admirer away from him... that’s a big oops on my part... but at least I saved Rachel from Victoria. The play itself was pretty good. In cases like this I always write down the lines I’m supposed to memorize. Cheat. To. Win. And all that. Unfortunately, I didn’t write down the blocking. I think I screwed up a little in the middle but finished strong and everyone loved Rachel and Chloe’s big scene.

Did you overhear Nathan and his Father? You actually get to see and interact with Mr. Prescott.

I am looking forward to the bonus chapter... Having the real Chloe and Max back will be fun. Anyway, I need to play through this again to try out other possiblities and explore more. Will report back when I’ve done that.

Try different outfits the second time. Characters (especially David) will say different things and behave differently depending on what you have on.


Lllllllllet's play!

by Funkmon @, Monday, December 04, 2017, 10:56 (2646 days ago) @ Ragashingo

This is another let's play nobody should watch. I recorded my first time. I plan on doing it twice when the game finishes later, trying other things.

I thought this episode was better than the first one, despite being mostly filler. It kind of speaks to what I like, I think. A lot of people will listen to Avril's first 3 albums and think they're great, but her other stuff is filler level. I like Avril's filler. I don't need shit to flow. I like LIS, and basically couldn't care less what I am doing.

Principal's office: If I see backtalk, I do it. Chloë always leaves Blackwell, suspended or expelled. Rachel always plays Prospero, by hook or by crook.

Parking lot: there are a lot of variations to this scene. I don't mind Elliot. He's just a guy, and remember that high school friendships and relationships can go quickly, with nary a reference. I've had friends for years who have never heard of the woman I had most recently dated (also for a long time) prior to being their friends. Some people just don't bring that stuff up.

Truck: many many variations of the truck, iirc. I used a putting green as my mat.

Play: I encouraged Nathan and his admirer. Maybe she'll be good for him. I drugged Victoria, and winged it during the play using barely paid attention to lines from the game and barely remembered lines from the play.

Dinner: I spent a long time exploring. I like that house.

After dinner walk: I'm playing a friendship game. No romance. I have feelings about this expressed in the much better let's plays people should watch that Blackstar did where me and Jilly argued constantly over if Chloë liked girls. We still agreed to run away.

We don't know over how much time the third episode takes place. If only a day or so, all the Frank boning and Rachel murdering may happen off screen, later. NBD. I think this is likely considering these games, and famously The Tempest, obey the Unity of Time. I consider this noteworthy because Shakespeare famously did not obey the Three Unities, and only The Tempest (and Comedy of Errors, but that hardly counts) adheres to the Unity of Time.

I don't have much interest in rejoining Chloë and Max. I think their story is done and they have made their past relationship fairly clear. I may be surprised, but right now it's not something to which I look forward a great deal.


DEC 20th FOR EP3

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Tuesday, December 05, 2017, 22:17 (2644 days ago) @ Ragashingo


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