
Last of Us Part 2 (Gaming)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Friday, November 03, 2017, 09:43 (2676 days ago) @ Speedracer513

Is this going to be like Halo 5 in that you have to be a story expert to get what’s going on? I literally do not remember anything of what you said, and I played the game four times through.

Nope. She is mentioned a few times in TLoU (if you check your pack during "Winter", you can even read a letter from her). You don't really know much about her beyond Marlene's recordings in the Hospital, so don't worry.

Okay cool. I generally don’t even listen to audio logs.

Please tell me you're listening to the audio logs and other lore stuff in H:ZD...?

Nope. Pausing to listen to logs completely kills the flow of the game. I’ll play them all after I finish.

You are soooooo wrong.

The flow of this game is so perfect because it ebbs and flows naturally - giving you time to take in the world and find out how it came to be -- NOT about running from one quest to the next. If you're skipping logs, then you are the one ruining the flow of the game!

I can't imagine what the experience would have been like if I didn't take the time to find audio logs and holograms on outcroppings and cliffs that revealed things like the Air Force Academy, for example.

If you could play them while traveling from place to place you’d have a point. I care less about how the world came to be while playing and more about what I am going to do next. Backstory can be taken in whenever.

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