
A few thoughts (Gaming)

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Thursday, October 19, 2017, 13:46 (2691 days ago) @ Cody Miller

In 2008 alone, EA released Mirror’s Edge, Deadspace, Spore, Battlefield Bad Company, Army of Two, Burnout Paradise, just to name a few. Not all new IP, but even the titles that were part of established franchises were something of a departure from the norm, and well regarded. And most of those games were also considered commercial failures.

How I don't know. The original Mirror's Edge sold 2.5 million copies. That's a nice haul for an AAA game. It sold more than:

Twisted Metal 2
Halo CE Anniversary
Half Life 2
N Sane Trilogy
Bioshock 2
Final Fantasy XIII
Doom (2016)

*according to VGchartz

Especially since it was a good game, calling it a failure seems… wrong.

It’s all relative to expectations. It is crazy that a game like Mirror’s Edge can sell that many copies and not be considered a huge hit, but sales expectations are cumulative. The same thing happened with Tomb Raider (2013). It sold like 4 million copies, but the publisher’s other games that year had all underperformed that year, so sales expectations just get shifted over to the next game coming out. It’s completely unrealistic, and total BS.

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