
Uncharted: The Lost Legacy (Gaming)

by Korny @, Dalton, Ga. US. Earth, Sol System, Friday, August 25, 2017, 09:49 (2746 days ago) @ cheapLEY

I'm still nowhere near done (Chapter 4 of 10, I believe), but Chapter 4 is cool and worth talking about.

It's basically Madagascar from Uncharted 4, but with actual stuff to do. It feels like Uncharted playing with the way Rise of the Tomb Raider is structured, and I really like it. You roam around in the 4x4 and complete little puzzles to find these tokens that unlock a door in another temple once you have them all. It was fun.

I also can't help but wonder if this is Naughty Dog playing with a more open structure in preparation for The Last of Us 2 . . .

On the one hand, that makes a lot of sense. On the other, Naughty Dog went from perfecting their large-setpiece/puzzle/platforming gameplay of Uncharted 3, to the incredibly subdued and personal trek in The Last of Us. You never really know what to expect with Naughty Dog, especially since they ended the once-more high-octane Uncharted 4 the same way The Last of Us started, with a quiet moment following the protagonist's daughter as she walked around the house).

Sammy wants to watch me play the story, so I've only done some multiplayer (still fun), and the Survival Arena, which is great, but can get fairly difficult quickly if your team isn't coordinated (And I pretty much only have randoms to play with). I really like Survival Arena more than Survival Mode, so I definitely recommend it.

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