
Whatever. Makes. You. Happy. (Gaming)

by Morpheus @, High Charity, Saturday, August 12, 2017, 21:59 (2669 days ago)

Doom 2016 has a very impressive feature in their game: An in-depth, Forge-like content creator/editor known as Snapmap. I started venturing into that side of the disc earlier this week. It only took 18 seconds to find that my dreams came true, in every sense of the phrase. And more.

The original author, only known as Dooooom, has blessed the populace with Chainsaw Bloodbath--a verbatim realization of my most vivid fantasies. With invincibility to boot.

This...is now my official Therapy.

I had a terrible day today, for example—I won't bother anyone with the details, to avoid everyone finding a way to blame me for all of it—but long story short by 4 PM I was just ready to kill everything ever made. Until I remembered a healthier way to douse the flames of murderous desire—right at home, minutes away!

So I put the thing on, played some music, and bam--the first thing that came on was You're My Best Friend. The Glee version, at that!! My shit did a 180 so fast, I was right up there singing along with the first chorus. And it felt so good playing such a heartwarming song while ripping hundreds of thousands of demons into indistinguishable sections of meat and bathing in their freely spraying blood while picturing everyone I hate...

(sighs) I'm happy....happy at home!

My point is (other than joy of not needing to waste thousands on pills and psychiatrists) is that if you find something that makes you happy, do it. That's all you need. If you get angry, you find your happy place, and do whatever you need to do to get there. If it's sunbathing on a secluded beach, a spoonful of a delectable hot fudge sundae, taking a quiet hot bath with the one you love, or dislodging stuck blade teeth from a creature's large intestine, enjoy the shuddering pleasurable ecstasy that can be found from the simplest infinite chainsaw mod. Because from now on, whenever I have a bad day at work or at home, or if I get accosted by idiots, or if insomnia keeps me awake all night, or if another thing on my car breaks, or every single time I ever look at the news:

I'll just go to Therapy. And in five minutes, everything will be fiiiine.

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