
justyouropinionman.jpeg (Gaming)

by Vortech @, A Fourth Wheel, Wednesday, August 09, 2017, 14:10 (2672 days ago) @ Cody Miller

For decades I have been confused by people who can and do instantly and unfailingly recognize something as an opinion but are offended by someone not typing out that it is an opinion each time. But, the point is, this is something I have seen on the Internet for DECADES. I have never understood it, but it's clearly not going anywhere as a thing that happens. So, you have to decide if efficiency and logical sense is worth offending them and having them make multiple posts every time.

I hope you decide it is not worth it and just bend since the efficiency goes out the window by the resulting argument, and as you say, it is long past tiresome.

Maybe add a disclaimer to your profile location. then it's on everything you post without any extra typing.

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