
Korny's VG Hype List (Gaming)

by Korny @, Dalton, Ga. US. Earth, Sol System, Saturday, August 05, 2017, 13:05 (2676 days ago) @ Cody Miller
edited by Korny, Saturday, August 05, 2017, 13:13

Pyre (already released, but I won't be getting it until a bit from now, still stoked)

I kind of think the game looks hideous. I mean that in an aesthetic way.

I think it looks cool. Guess you're lucky that I didn't trigger you by including Warframe's fantastic-looking "Plains of Eidolon" expansion that's coming soon. :P

The Evil Within 2

Looking this up, this has me a bit interested.

The first one played like a more horror-oriented Resident Evil 4, which is a good thing.

Shantae: Half-Genie Hero (See Pyre above)

Yet another retro kickstarter game.

Only the remake of the first game was funded through kickstarter... A remake.

The Shantae games are actually fun for me, because:

They don't hold your hand at all (some of the franchise's criticism is the occasionally relentless difficulty), and yet, you can succeed without half of the things in the game if you're skilled enough.

they have some charming and humorous writing (with a focus on the saturday-morning-cartoon-esque story),

and half the fun comes from finding success through the tools that you have, though you can go out of your way to make things easier for yourself (Risky's Revenge includes five or so different endings, including some depending on how fast you beat the game, and how many of the upgrades and stuff you collect along the way), and the game will acknowledge either choice with Trophies.

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