
A quick word on getting older (Off-Topic)

by Kahzgul, Sunday, June 04, 2017, 03:33 (2571 days ago) @ CyberKN

Yo! Happy birthday buddy!

Interesting note about time "zipping by" as you get older. Our brains tend to remember things as generalities, so if you have a lot of similar experiences (say, similar days at work), they all get lumped in as "generic day at work" in your brain. If you want your perception of time to slow down again, start adding new and different experiences into your life. I've recently shaken things up A LOT in my life this year, and I swear it's like i've lived more life in the last six months than in the previous six years (notable exceptions for the birth of a child and a few other choice moments).

The point is, if you do something different today, today will stand out as special in your memory. Do that every day, and you'll feel like you're experiencing life anew.

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