
Crossed The Threshold With DOOM... (Gaming)

by Morpheus @, High Charity, Monday, May 01, 2017, 02:48 (2862 days ago)

At some point, DOOM went on sale, and I had some birthday money left over, so I said let's go!

You guys were right--it's without a doubt the most fun I've had in an FPS for a very long time! While I thought the story itself was all kinds of stupid("Hey, let's use the denizens of Hell to power humanity! What could possibly go wrong??"), as some people have said, who cares!? I've just become a surgeon with all these guns!

Speaking of....I did find out what the X button is for. And I now take any excuse I can get to SMASH IT.

The joy I feel with each yank of the chainsaw is disturbingly erotic, and outright perverse. >:-) Which actually leads me to my main question: Is there any way to get infinite chainsaw ammo? Just, non-stop dissecting forever and ever? It would be PERFECT for stress relief. >:-D


Crossed The Threshold With DOOM...

by stabbim @, Des Moines, IA, USA, Monday, May 01, 2017, 21:02 (2861 days ago) @ Morpheus

At some point, DOOM went on sale, and I had some birthday money left over, so I said let's go!

You guys were right--it's without a doubt the most fun I've had in an FPS for a very long time! While I thought the story itself was all kinds of stupid("Hey, let's use the denizens of Hell to power humanity! What could possibly go wrong??"), as some people have said, who cares!? I've just become a surgeon with all these guns!

I'm very glad to hear it, for a couple reasons. First, it's nice that you feel you got something worth your money - that's always good, of course. Second, it's nice to know that the game is still fun if you didn't play the old games. That means it has more to offer than just a nostalgia trip, you know?

Speaking of....I did find out what the X button is for. And I now take any excuse I can get to SMASH IT.

HEHEHEHE. That weapon has been a standout favorite for 24 years, for good reason. Its always felt just right. In this most recent game, they managed to make its behavior fit the modern world, while not ruining it. It's actually even more useful than before.


Crossed The Threshold With DOOM...

by Revenant1988 ⌂ @, How do I forum?, Tuesday, May 02, 2017, 01:02 (2861 days ago) @ Morpheus

At some point, DOOM went on sale, and I had some birthday money left over, so I said let's go!

You guys were right--it's without a doubt the most fun I've had in an FPS for a very long time! While I thought the story itself was all kinds of stupid("Hey, let's use the denizens of Hell to power humanity! What could possibly go wrong??"), as some people have said, who cares!? I've just become a surgeon with all these guns!

Speaking of....I did find out what the X button is for. And I now take any excuse I can get to SMASH IT.

The joy I feel with each yank of the chainsaw is disturbingly erotic, and outright perverse. >:-) Which actually leads me to my main question: Is there any way to get infinite chainsaw ammo? Just, non-stop dissecting forever and ever? It would be PERFECT for stress relief. >:-D

I clipped this for you, watch from the 17min mark to the 20:26 mark.

From the Dev, Hugo Martin (Korny would be a big fan of this guy, he's worked with Del Toro on Pacific Rim, and he's worked with Naughty Dog and Blur). These interviews were fantastic to watch, a refreshing departure from the processes of other studios. Sometimes, ya just gotta let loose. (You can see Bungie learning this a bit with their recent ad campaign and Cayde)

Clipped this one too, about 5 min

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