
False assumptions (Gaming)

by narcogen ⌂ @, Andover, Massachusetts, Sunday, April 16, 2017, 01:51 (2787 days ago) @ Cody Miller

That sounds like nonsense to me. You buy as much manufacturing capacity as you want. Nothing in either the Switch nor the NES Classic is a part that constrains supply--

Actually it does. If you read the articles they literally cannot manufacture more NES classics fast enough. There are constraints on the manufacturing.

I have read no credible article that cites a reliable source indicating this, only speculation.

A Raspberry Pi can do this job better than the hardware they put in that thing.

Nintendo also just *ceased* production in Europe. Surely if Nintendo had a higher production target and could not meet it due to constraints or slowdowns, they would simply continue production until the target was hit, even after announcing that the product would be discontinued.


"I can see Nintendo maybe wanting to stop for a while and play catch up, preparing for a grand re-release of the NES Classic Edition this holiday, only this time, they’ve taken the time to build up enough stock where it won’t be sold out everywhere all the time with massive production shortages. "

For instance, the above Forbes article mentions "production shortages" but nowhere cites any source for this information. I think the Western press just automatically assumes that when a popular product that is in high demand sees low supply, the obvious conclusion is production constraint. This fails to take into account the deliberate strategy, not of faking constrained supplies, which is common, but an actual deliberate constraint of making a product exclusive and limited.

It's conceivable that Nintendo had legitimate production issues that limited supply on consoles like the Wii. It is scarcely believable with respect to the NES Classic. Certainly production constraints do not explain why, for instance, Skylanders figurine sales are over 10x higher than amiibo sales. This is deliberate.


In fact, rumors of production being ceased (not troubled, constrained, or delayed, but ordered to stop) began as far back as February.

When complaints started last fall, Nintendo issued this statement:

"The Nintendo Entertainment System: NES Classic Edition system is a hot item, and we are working hard to keep up with consumer demand. There will be a steady flow of additional systems through the holiday shopping season and into the new year."

The "we are working hard" line is what all the Western press interprets to mean "production problems" because when a Western company says that, that's what it means. I do not think it means that in this case-- at least in part because of the later reference to "the holiday shopping season and into the new year". Not "until next holidays"-- but literally "into the new year". Meaning, until now, when we discontinue. The statement was carefully crafted to say that they would continue production until early this year, but no further.

The press interprets that as Nintendo hedging-- implying that they don't want to commit to anything further than early 2017. The assumption, though, is that if the product was popular and profitable, of course any reasonable company would continue making them until demand decreased. The presumption is that if they are not doing so, it must be because they are unable, not because they are unwilling.

I think with respect to Nintendo in general and the NES Classic in particular, this is a false assumption.


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