
+1 (Gaming)

by Kahzgul, Monday, April 03, 2017, 00:39 (2890 days ago) @ cheapLEY

Stealth armor with two stealth mods makes it so you walking makes no noise and sprinting is only 1 bar of noise. You can crouch walk right up to any enemy from behind and they won't see or hear you so you can stealth kill from out in the open. Easily sprint past stormbirds and they'll never know you were there, etc.. Very effective once you complete all of the cauldrons. No long grass needed!

I figured it was something like. That's just sort of counter to how I play the game (or how I would want to). I sort of like the difficulty of not being able to just run around where ever I want.

I played about 60% of the game without ever using fast travel. Stealth was very important, especially when I ran out of wood. Which seriously happened.

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