
It's a Wii U game, really. (Gaming)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Monday, March 27, 2017, 13:30 (2896 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

What is baffling to me, is that the game is already playable under emulation. Just shows how far behind Nintendo's hardware really is.

It's a last-gen game that was ported to the Switch (and STILL suffers from performance issues). How is it baffling?

Do you see any xbox 360 or PS3 emulators that are playable?

You mean besides the 360 emulator that runs inside the Xbox One, right? ;)

Technically WiiU is in the generation of PS4 and Xbox One. So I should be asking if there are any working PS4 emulators.

Not really, since the WiiU hardware is far more comparable to a 360 or PS3. It doesn't come close to PS4/XboxOne specs. Neither does the Switch, for that matter.

Uh exactly. Nintendo is two generations behind at this point.

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