
No Man's Sky update (Gaming)

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Thursday, March 09, 2017, 18:58 (2825 days ago) @ Kermit

I still drop into the game from time to time... not really to play it for myself, but my daughter really enjoys watching it for 15-20 minutes every now and then.

She's 3 now, and just started learning about the solar system at school over the past few months. For someone her age, No Man's Sky is just about the best tool I can imagine for helping her grasp the concept of "planets" and "outer space". She knows when she looks at a globe or a picture of our planet that she's looking at "earth", and she knows we live on earth, but the sheer scope and scale of everything is something she wasn't grasping. But when she watches me play No Man's Sky, its like a revelation to her. It helps her connect the dots between "where we live" and "outer space". She watches me run around on the ground, then get into my ship and fly up into the sky until I'm in orbit, then I turn the ship around and show her the planet we just left, then turn again to face another planet and fly all the way over to it, land, and get out on the surface. I could see one light bulb after another going off above her head. It's an incredible education tool.

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