The latest "why doesn't every game do this?" feature (Gaming)

by Mad_Stylus, Wednesday, March 01, 2017, 04:53 (2922 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

In a similar vein:

Just started up with Dark Souls 3. Character creation is both very convenient and really, really cringeworthy.

On the one hand, you need to do a LOT of work to get faces that don't look like potatoes. Its doable, I've seen it, but if your not a pro at working face sliders, you won't look that great.

On the other:

It does a few things that actually work VERY well in terms of convenience.

First, you can see where your slider started. If you move it, it'll leave an icon where it began. You don't have to back out and lose progress, or guess where it started. You can go right back to your okay-ish chin after tweaking the jaw size.

Second, you can -save- presets. Like, if you make a good base face and want to re-use it? You can save it to a slot and re-use it at any point in the future. Useful if you want to have the same face, or you want to start from a good foundation and then edit things further.

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