
Inside (Gaming)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Monday, February 20, 2017, 07:53 (2931 days ago)

Took a break from The Witness to clear my mind and come back fresh. You know how sometimes after you step away and come back, solutions just fly out of you? Yeah. The plant growing compound has me stumped for the time being.

So I tried Inside.

Aesthetically it is superior to Limbo, but man is the game much less complex! I thought Limbo was pretty simple, but it blew Inside out of the water in terms of puzzle and platforming complexity. It's a huge regression. Playing Inside is pretty mind numbing.

Also like Limbo the control is sluggish, as there are too many animations that take too long for things like turning around, climbing onto things, etc.

Not worth a second play. So far Johnathan Blow seems to be one of the only 'indie' developers who can make a decent game.

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