
GamesRadar talks Titanfall 2 high-level play (Gaming)

by Korny @, Dalton, Ga. US. Earth, Sol System, Monday, February 13, 2017, 04:59 (2938 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

Fantastic article about the advanced gameplay techniques evolving in the Titanfall 2 community, and the importance of game design that emphasizes rewarding play.


Funny that you should post this, as it's something that I have thought about recently. After watching me play Warframe a lot, my brother started playing it. While he says that he really likes it, I noticed that he plays it basically like a Mass Effect 3 Krogan Warlord; lumbering around with a focus on melee and the use of a single ability above others. It reminds me about how methodical and slow my early experience with the game was.

He doesn't know anything about Bullet jumping, aim glide traversal, wall latching, helicoptering, melee combos, Transference, channeling, Specialization, Augmentation, etc.
He's essentially just playing it as a normal third-person shooter, and it really puts things into perspective for me that my playstyle has evolved with the game over time. I could go back and play it "normally", but a lot of the fun has come from mastering the advanced mobility and in-depth aspects of everything.

I can't think of another game in recent memory outside of Titanfall 2 where experimentation and deeper mechanics were so well rewarded (Although Destiny does have stuff such as Titan Skating that add a touch of depth), and it adds another layer to the replay value for sure.

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