
Competition (Gaming)

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Thursday, February 02, 2017, 18:01 (2948 days ago) @ Cody Miller


Word on the street is that this new IP is intended to compete with Destiny, and is coming mid next year.

So far nothing has really measured up has it? I never played the Division, but I heard it was bad.

I don't think The Division is great, but it did a few things right that I'd love to see Bungie adopt/learn from.

I thought Mass Effect was bad mechanically, but all I hear is great things about the story and RPG elements.

I would love to see a real competitor so both studios up their game.

Mass Effect 2 & 3 have excellent combat mechanics (not as silky-smooth as Destiny, but more interesting and diverse from a tactical point of view).
I wrote a post ages ago about how ME3's multiplayer mode could almost be seen as a precursor to Destiny in certain ways. Destiny is obviously a much larger animal than ME3 multiplayer, but where they do overlap, I think ME3 is a better game. I prefer the way they handled loot & random drops, the characters & abilities allowed a more diverse range of play styles, and they did a better job of keeping the missions fresh and exciting over time.

So yes, I'd love to see what BioWare can add to this space :)

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