
D&D Stories for Rellekh and Robot Chickens (Gaming)

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Sunday, January 29, 2017, 16:01 (2953 days ago)

The other day Rellekh, Robot Chickens, and I were playing Destiny and the conversation in the chat turned to a D&D adventure they had started together. We talked about fun battles and GMing and character backstories and motivations. A few years back a few of us here at DBO started playing some Play By Post games of Pathfinder, a D&D spinoff. Play By Post means instead of sitting around a game board and playing through a large portion of a scenario in one sitting, we play by posting on a web board with each person posting when they can.

The downside of Play By Post it makes games that would take a few nights take a few years. The upside is that if you play with a group of talented writers you get some fantastic role play and, inevitably it seems, some great side stories. I mention this to Rellekh and Robot and they said they'd love to read some of those stories after I described them briefly in chat. So, I'll be posting some of them here with a bit of setup and commentary to set the scene or explain some of the details that might be lost if you weren't following along with the progression of the main games.

There are (at least) a couple different characters and a fair number of short stories I'm about to post, so bear with me as I get this little thread set up! :)

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