
MOAR Titanfall Videos! (Gaming)

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Thursday, December 01, 2016, 13:44 (3012 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

This one made me laugh. Some top tier grappling hook usage followed by a near-botched attempt at an ambush.

I'm not sure who was more surprised here; me, or the guy on the receiving end ;p

A bit of an extended clip showing some good teamwork and crowd control. Me and a friendly Titan take on an endless stream of enemy pilots, and then 3 enemy Titans join the fray all at once. I manage to destroy 1 enemy Titan and then break away from the cluster. I do a long loop around the map, taking down a few pilots along the way. I then come up behind the 3 enemy Titans that are now clustered together and destroy them all.

Got a few clips from the Xbox, too! (Not sure if it's possible to embed these or not).

First up, a nice little example of watching your teammate's back :)


Finally, another example of one of my favorite wall-running routes. I'd also like to submit this as evidence in the case of "Everyone should use Bumper Jumper" ;)


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