
We beat dead horses, dead. (Gaming)

by cheapLEY @, Thursday, December 01, 2016, 13:26 (3012 days ago) @ Kermit

Apple is making me sad. They've forgotten to dance with who brung ya. Well, I guess the phones have brung them lately, but still...

I was a huge Apple fan five years ago. I had a classic iPod, iPhone, 27" iMac, and a Macbook. Today, I have an iPhone and will probably be getting a Pixel when I upgrade. I'm tired of loosing functionality because they want to make razor thin devices. We've reached the point where shit is small and light enough--it's nearly pointless to take it any further. Having to buy adapters to connect anything is asinine to the point of being rage-inducing. More and more Apple products have become a status symbol that just shouts "I like wasting money on pretty shit with less functionality." I bought a Surface Pro 4 and wouldn't trade it for a whole line up of Apple products.

And it's sad, because I used to love Apple stuff. I swore I'd never go back to Windows, but Apple basically drove me away. I'm not sure if it's because Apple actually did anything, or if I just grew up and got tired of paying stupidly exorbitant prices for what amounted to a pretty aluminum case.

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