
Can you email me what the twist was? (Gaming)

by kidtsunami @, Atlanta, GA, Wednesday, September 07, 2016, 11:28 (3008 days ago) @ Korny

I think I saw a program that did a limited version of this for streamers. It could use a web cam to map your expression onto a digital model, and had a range of premade models such as elves, pandas and aliens.

Had an odd moment with one of those. When I first saw the game-changing (literally) twist in Warframe's Second Dream quest, I immediately hopped online to watch peoples' reactions. One of the first that I found was a streamer who had a wolf avatar overlayed onto the stream that moved and talked with him. Created a bit of dissonance...

I honestly played Warframe for about an hour when it came out, and I just read a wiki explaining that mission and still am not sure what the twist was.

Honest question, saw one of the reaction videos you shared back when it happened and just didn't understand.

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