Might be fake... (Gaming)

by Claude Errera @, Tuesday, September 06, 2016, 17:08 (3097 days ago) @ Kermit

...but it's Target; the risk of credit card fraud is pretty low. I ordered. :)

Worst that happens is they refund me after they tell me it's a screwup.

I'm surprised. Did you ever buy the regular Elite? I know you missed a sale not long ago.

If you do get one, please post your impressions.

I got one a few weeks ago, immediately pulled off all four paddles, stuck a tall stick on one side, and tried it out. Love it - feels great, actually stays powered with the cord, has bumpers that don't bug me.

Found it for $130, so a little bit of a discount. Totally worth it. Someday I might even put the paddles in. :)

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