
Titanfall 2 *might* have ruined Destiny PvP for me (Gaming)

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Monday, August 22, 2016, 12:41 (3125 days ago) @ ZackDark

Spent a couple more hours with the Titanfall 2 Tech Test last night, and had an absolute blast. Speedracer and I teamed up and played a few amazing games together. We eventually ran into connection issues and couldn't get the game to keep us in a lobby together so we jumped back over to Destiny to play some Iron Banner.

Wow. Destiny has never, EVER, felt so slow to me before. I don't mean in terms of the pacing. I mean I could literally feel the delay between what my fingers were doing and what I was seeing on screen. I could almost count the individual f-r-a-m-e-s as they ticked by. It felt awful. I know Titanfall 2 runs at 60fps, while Destiny runs at 30fps. I've jumped back and forth between Destiny and other 60fps games. I've always noticed the difference, but never to such a degree.
This is totally the kind of thing you adjust to over time. If I play nothing but Destiny for another month, I probably won't even remember the difference. But come October, there's no way I won't be playing a good chunk of Titanfall 2. That might push Destiny into a "PvE only" zone for me, at least for a while.

Besides the technical stuff, Titanfall 2's combat sandbox is stellar. There is a complete lack of the "I call bullshit!" moments that many of us experience so often with Destiny. I never got shot from around corners, I never saw other players teleporting or lagging all over the place, I never turned down a hallway to find myself facing 4 enemy snipers all hard-scoping on my position. Win or lose, there was zero frustration.

Best of all, playing Titanfall can be like experiencing a non-stop highlight reel. Game after game was filled with epic moment after epic moment. My PS4 DVR decided to stop working last night, so I unfortunately lost all the footage I tried to save. You'll have to take my word for it ;)

I had an incredible sequence last night where called down my Titan and went toe-to-toe with an enemy Titan, finishing him off with an execution move (I ripped off his Titan's arm and shoved it into the cockpit :D), then turned around in time to see 2 more enemy Titans land in front of me. I spotted a battery pack on the ground just in front of my position (new mechanic... battery packs can be used to recharge your Titan's shields, but you need to risk leaving your Titan to claim them). So I jumped out to pick it up, and managed to kill one of the enemy Pilots who was about to jump into the Titan he had just called down. I climb back into my Titan, and now I'm battling the 2 enemy Titans (1 manned, the other running on auto pilot). The street we're fighting on is narrow, so the 2 enemy Titans are struggling to shoot around each other, which gives me a fighting chance. The auto-piloted Titan is in the front, and I'm able to take it out. Now I'm facing the lone enemy Titan, who has a lot more armor than I do at this point. But by now, my Titan's super ability has charged up, so I unleash this massive laser-beam-from-hell out of my chest and take the enemy down to critical health just as my Titan finally gives out. Both the enemy Pilot and I eject from our crippled Titans. I jump up and over him, coming down behind him. He's making a break for cover, so I launch my grappling hook... it misses him, but grabs the ground right beside him, pulling me towards him and allowing me to finish him off with a drop-kick to the back.

It was awesome, and every match is filled with moments like it. October can't come soon enough :D

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