
Scatter Grenades are finicky (Destiny)

by Beorn @, <End of Failed Timeline>, Sunday, August 21, 2016, 03:48 (3120 days ago) @ Morpheus

That's true. But Nothing Manacles is getting on my nerves, too. I throw a Scatter nade at an enemy, and I'd say about a third of the scatter particles actually track. It's become lazy! Honestly, if Bloom wasn't included in the Voidwalker tree, I'd have another gif with me deleting the Manacles.

I’ve been running Nothing Manacles + Scatter Grenades + Bloom for a while now with some success and I completely agree with your comment. The tracking result is wildly unpredictable; sometimes the grenade seems to fizzle out, and other times the entire swarm hunts down the opponent and wrecks them. I have found that for greatest effect, I need to either hit the enemy directly with the grenade or have it go off right at their feet; there’s not a lot of margin of error, though, so close hits don’t quite do the trick.

Made this to convince Breitzen to try out the build:

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