
THIS (Gaming)

by MrPadraig08 ⌂ @, Steel City, Wednesday, August 10, 2016, 02:53 (3125 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

High Moon is one of my favorite developers.

In the world of the shallow, action movie interpretations of the franchise, FOC (and War for Cybertron) are incredibly faithful and inspired.

If you ever were a fan of the 80's Transformers, this really hits that sweet spot.

While we're talking about faithful Transformers adaptations, Platinum's Transformers Devastation came out less than a year ago, and is a great platinum game.

Side Note: Only caveat I have to this purchase is that Activision has picked up this trend of re-releasing ports of old High Moon games on current gen for full price. They did the same thing to the Deadpool game (also pretty cool.)

My recommendation: put these on your steam wishlist and get them on sale when you can. High Moon was very good with the quality scaling on PC, so you really can't lose there.


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