Thank you for this. (Gaming)

by Claude Errera @, Thursday, June 02, 2016, 18:12 (3205 days ago) @ Cody Miller

Confounded. So, what *is* journalism, then?

A journalist write and reports NEWS. Things that MATTER. They could matter on a local, state, national, or international level, but they are important things that affect lives.

Entertainment almost by definition doesn't 'matter'. This doesn't mean that things that deal with the entertainment industry and not news. For instance, the recent pieces about the rampant pedophilia in Hollywood is journalism. Reporting on a leaked script or why so and so was fired is not.

EA spouse is the closest thing I can think of to an honest to goodness piece of journalism about video games.

Now that I understand how you're defining journalism, I can completely ignore this thread, because your reality and mine are far enough apart here that this is irrelevant to me. ;)

I want to make it clear that I do not place journalism higher than other writing in terms of value. For instance, game and film criticism, philosophy, hobby enthusiast writing, etc is valuable too. It's just not journalism. Not being journalism does not automatically make you 'less than'. I think you can learn a lot more things of value reading philosophy than the news for example.

Yeah, all of that is beside the point. The point was, you made a statement about journalism, which made no sense to me, until you defined what 'journalism' meant to you, at which point your statement became something I could agree with.

In simpler terms, an analogy:

You said "Birds can't fly."

I thought to myself, "well, that makes no sense."

You said "Birds, as I define them, are ostriches."

I thought to myself, "oh, okay, with his limited definition, I can buy into his first statement."

Conversation over. ;)

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