
Screw that. (Destiny)

by Robot Chickens, Wednesday, April 13, 2016, 21:45 (3236 days ago) @ Cody Miller

So why isn't Destiny designed this way? Why is it designed to be played in perpetuity instead of in one intense chunk like Iron banner? Would that not be better? You'd have people gather and rally around the game and story for two weeks or so, then when it's over leave and come back when we get something else great.

IB is fundamentally the same each time. You want new content each time which is different. Also, Crucible doesn't disappear when IB isn't around and that is an activity no one wants to disappear between stretches. That being said, I think Destiny already does what you said. People gather around new content and play it and then dwindle off. I have periods where I'll play a lot, and then I'll take the good portion of a month off.

I think you take the "Destiny is supposed to be played all-the-time" logic a bit too far. Just because there is the option to do things a million times over doesn't mean it is designed to be played all the time. Yeah, they want to keep people playing because that helps with matchmaking, retention in terms of $ when they do release paid content, etc... but, I don't feel pressured to play all the time. Some people choose to (against their own stated desires), but they have control over the rate of consumption and that is on them, not Bungie. No one is forcing anyone to play the dailies/weeklies/raid over and over again. You have the option, but you don't need to. If it's fun? Do it. If it isn't? Don't.

I guess I think you've fundamentally misinterpreted Bungie's intent. They want a game that you could play at any time, not a game you have to play at any given time.

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